Sunday, March 20, 2011

You can't have you're country back, unless your willing to do what's necessary! Special comment by kennymotown

Ever since I got politically educated during the 60's, I realized what we as Americans are up against. Mostly it is shadow forces that are in the background calling the shots. And when I say calling the shots, they really called the shots with political assignations of our leaders that could have really stopped the Military Industrial Complex dead in their tracts.

Now that they have gained control of our Government and Media, they snuff out any attempt by not broadcasting the masses in the streets. I saw it personally in the opposition too the war in Iraq, the crowds protesting were in the hundreds of thousands, and they were not on the TV. But a number of people are not fooled by this tactic, and a new group of people are clamoring for justice.

No obstacle is to great for us to overcome, massive protests against Corporate control and anti-worker laws being forced upon the public are rallying the American public like I have not ever seen. Corporate Personhood should be a real tangible force we can all agree upon in fighting against, a rallying cry for the citizens of the country to stand against.

We have the numbers, but you must truly believe in opposing a Fascist style of Government we have let gain control of our Democracy! I believe in the America we were promised by our founding fathers, and we will not be denied!

Your suggestions and comments are welcomed, where do we go from here is up too you!


debt commision media matter glenn beck

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