Tuesday, November 30, 2010

No. 4 House Dem Asks Entire Staff to Resign

House Democratic Caucus chairman John Larson (Conn.) has asked for the resignation of his entire staff, including in his district office, in anticipation of budget cuts associated with the Republican takeover. 

Larson was the odd-man-out in the Clyburn-Hoyer deal, which makes me wonder whether Larson is anticipating losing money not just to the Republicans, but to Clyburn's newly created office.

Daniel Foster

Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/254155/no-4-house-dem-asks-entire-staff-resign-daniel-foster

glenn beck rush limbaugh nancy pelosi

Food Safety Passes Senate

This morning the Senate passed the Food Safety Modernization Act in a 73 - 25 vote. The bill, which will now have to be reconciled with a version passed in the House last year, expands the FDA’s ability to regulate and allows the agency to recall food products.

“This bill will have a dramatic impact on the way the FDA operates -- providing it with more resources for inspection, mandatory recall authority, and the technology to trace an outbreak back to its source,” said Sen. Dick Durbin (D., Illinois) in a statement.

Opponents of the bill included Sen. Tom Coburn (R., Oklahoma), who argued against the bill’s $1.4 billion price tag, which is not offset by spending cuts elsewhere in the budget. “Far from offering common-sense reforms, this bill doubles-down on the status quo -- which failed to prevent the salmonella outbreak -- with 250 pages of new bureaucracy and regulations,” wrote Coburn in a USA Today op-ed last week.  “Expanding the Food and Drug Administration will harm small businesses and raise prices at the grocery store -- all without having a meaningful impact on food safety.”

UPDATE: The White House has issued a statement congratulating the Senate and urging the House “to act quickly on this critical bill.”

Katrina Trinko

Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/254134/food-safety-passes-senate-katrina-trinko

house race debt commision media matter

Woah! Leftist Website Calls for Hillary’s “Scalp” After Wikileaks’ Revelations

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/gatewaypundit2/~3/oTUlX7FZwek/

barack obama senate house race

Triangulation Here We Come?

Last night Rich made a forceful case for his conviction that Obama will triangulate because he must triangulate -- if he wants to be reelected. Partly in opposition to my column (Rich's link to my column was broken: convenient!), he writes:

All that said, as I’ve argued before, I believe Obama is going to do some triangulation because, 1) he has no other option–big left-wing initiatives are closed off for now; 2) he wants to get re-elected. You’ll often hear conservatives say Obama is such a sincere left-winger that he won’t and can’t move to the center. But he was just as sincere a left-winger in 2008, when he campaigned on tax cuts and examining the budget line-by-line and living within our means. It’s basically an axiom of American political life that liberals who want to get elected or re-elected president have to trim their sails. And we can assume that Obama, no matter what he says about how he’s willing to be a righteous one-termer, wants to get reelected.

So he’s going to triangulate. How much is the question. His proposal today for a federal pay freeze is a move to the center in a decidedly minor key. But it’s also relatively painless. If he finds a half-dozen of these kind of moves, he might soften his image as a partisan liberal a bit. Not enough, though, which is why I think he’s going to have to come up with some sort of big proposal for not terribly credible budget reductions. Say, a 10-year plan that generates a fairly large number for savings over that period, but that backloads most of it to year 6 and beyond, when he’ll no longer be in office even if reelected.

Consider yourself warned!

I think Rich makes a good point here. Obama must change his image if he's going to win reelection. And if that is the definition of triangulation, then I think I was probably wrong and Rich was right. But I'm not sure that an attempted image makeover fully qualifies or will do the trick. If memory serves, much of Clinton's triangulation was symbolic, superficial or trivial: school uniforms, V-chip, poll-tested vacations. I don't think any of those things alone would have earned reelection for Clinton in 1996 (particularly against a stronger GOP candidate than Bob Dole).

Many of the foreseeable opportunities for Obama to triangulate reside outside of his control. For instance, as Ramesh noted in the magazine, Clinton's rehabilitation began with the Oklahoma City bombing. He gave a good speech and then cynically used the tragedy to demonize the GOP and conservative talk radio. Obama certainly can't plan on something like that and, heaven forbid, should such a tragedy transpire, milking it for political advantage comes with profound risks for Obama.

Moreover, the big kahuna of Clinton's race to the center was his signing of welfare reform. I'm open to correction, but it seems to me the only major legislation coming down the pike of similar stature and ideological resonance would be the repeal and replacement of Obamacare. Will Obama really sign such a thing? I doubt it.

Also, Obama is a much worse salesman than Bill Clinton. There's still a debate about whether Obama is even a good salesman at all. But if the health-care debate (never mind Copehagen, Seoul, etc.) demonstrated anything, it is that Obama is not nearly the closer his fans thought he was. For a year, the White House said Obama was one more speech away from sealing the deal, and after every speech Obamacare seemed a bit less desirable.

Last, a related point. Forget whether Obama is too ideologically rigid to move to the center. I think he's too arrogant to admit he was wrong about anything significant. That constrains his options for how to triangulate. He'll point fingers at Pelosi and the congressional Dems (and since he outsourced his domestic policy to them, he's got ample ammo), but he won't admit blame save for weaselly stuff like "I underestimated how evil the Republicans are." That's a big liability when you're trying to convince voters you've learned the right lessons from the midterms.

The one area where I think Obama has an advantage over Clinton is that he's less vulnerable to a primary challenge. The white left will not take responsibility for destroying the reelection chances of the first black president. That's gives Obama some wiggle room if he knows how to use it.

So yeah, Obama will "triangulate" in some way, but I still don't think it will do the trick.

Jonah Goldberg

Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/254152/triangulation-here-we-come-jonah-goldberg

barack obama senate house race

The curtains open on Lame Duck Theater

Photoshop credit: Applecross Media and Big Fur Hat I’ve already posted my post-midterm victory warning about what Republicans shouldn’t do at President Obama’s dog-and-pony bipartisan show scheduled for later this morning. Here’s the WaPo preview of “Lame Duck Theater:” When President Obama sits down with the new Republican congressional leaders for their first face-to-face meeting [...]

Source: http://michellemalkin.com/2010/11/30/the-curtains-open-on-lame-duck-theater/

media matter glenn beck rush limbaugh

DVDs of the Week: The Sorcerer's Apprentice

Brett Erlich and Ellen Fox examine The Sorcerer's Apprentice (out this week on DVD).

Source: http://current.com/shows/the-rotten-tomatoes-show/92547668_the-sorcerers-apprentice-reviewed-by-the-rotten-tomatoes-show.htm

barack obama senate house race

Did Fox News Remove Fox News Jabs From Lastest ?The Simpsons? Episode?

The award-winning cartoon series The Simpsons proved its long-standing relevance with a swipe at its parent network Fox News last week, animating a news helicopter with the fictional tagline “Fox News: Not racist, but #1 with racists.” With “a license to make any anti-corporate joke that is at their avail,” the show doubled-down last night [...]

Source: http://thinkprogress.org/2010/11/29/simpsons-vs-fox/

rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

Judge Napolitano: It?s hard for me to believe that WTC7 came down by itself


Source: http://hotair.com/archives/2010/11/29/judge-napolitano-its-hard-for-me-to-believe-that-wtc7-came-down-by-itself/

rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

Monday, November 29, 2010

New Wikileaks docs revealed: China open to Korean reunification? Update: Iranian supreme leader has terminal cancer? Update: European nuke locations revealed?


Source: http://hotair.com/archives/2010/11/29/new-wikileaks-docs-revealed-china-open-to-korean-reunification/

rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

Reagan Budget Director: GOP Has Abandoned Fiscal Responsibility By Adopting ?Theology? Of Tax Cuts

As Congress prepares to take up extension of the Bush tax cuts during its lame duck session, Republican lawmakers have been unanimous in demanding that the cuts for the richest two percent of Americans be extended, claiming they are necessary for economic growth and that tax cuts (miraculously) pay for themselves. While independent economists have [...]

Source: http://thinkprogress.org/2010/11/28/stockman-slams-gop-taxes/

rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

The benefits of publicness

I’m reworking an early but foundational section of my book, Public Parts, arguing the benefits of publicness, a list I presented at the PII conference in Seattle a few weeks ago. I’d like to bounce my thoughts off you and ask for your views of the value you get from being public, the value that [...]

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/buzzmachine/~3/DcvlArM1U0k/

rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

Does Glenn Beck Think Andrew Napolitano Should Be Fired For Being A 9/11 Truther?

Last year, White House green jobs adviser, and now Center for American Progress fellow Van Jones resigned after Fox News host Glenn Beck’s months-long oil industry fueled campaign to smear Jones. “I’ve been talking about Van Jones, a special adviser to the president, because he’s got the president’s ear and he’s an admitted communist; a [...]

Source: http://thinkprogress.org/2010/11/24/beck-napolitano-911-truther/

rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

A Message from Radio Derb

Groveling, sniveling, abject apologies to Radio Derb fans for the absence of our weekly broadcast. The omission was due to a concatenation of causes, to be explained in my upcoming November Diary.

Normal service will be restored this Friday. My research assistants are already importuning Alberich, the NR librarian, for speedier access to his news databases.

John Derbyshire

Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/254033/message-radio-derb-john-derbyshire

glenn beck rush limbaugh nancy pelosi

Quotes of the day

The great debate.

Source: http://hotair.com/archives/2010/11/27/quotes-of-the-day-523/

barack obama senate house race

Order to Kill Pope John Paul II Came from Vatican Itself: Ali Agca

The Turkish terrorist Mehmet Ali Agca, who on May 13, 1981 shot Pope John Paul II in Rome, Italy, said in a statement to Turkish television that the order to kill the leader of the Roman Catholic Church came from the Vatican itself.

Ali Agca was released on January 18 this year after spending 30 years in prison for the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II in 1981, and the murder of Turkish journalist Abdil Ipecki in 1979.

"The Vatican decided on the assassination of the pope. They planned and organized it. The order to shoot the pope was given by the secretary of the Vatican, Cardinal Casaroli," said the Turkish terrorist.

In a statement shortly after trying to kill the pope, Agca said he acted alone. This newest statement is one of several contradictory statements he has made since 1983, when he was pardoned by John Paul II when he visited him in prison.

more at link...

Godfather III is the Hollywood version about how they killed Pope John Paul I.
Obviously they'll kill John Paul II or anyone else who goes sideways. Even a foiled attempt is enough to scare most people back into the fold.

Source: http://current.com/news/92827082_order-to-kill-pope-john-paul-ii-came-from-vatican-itself-ali-agca.htm?xid=RSSfeed

barack obama senate house race

Fire reported at Oregon. Islamic center; no injuries ! Arson is suspected.

Well here we go, more ignorance on the Islamic community!

Source: http://current.com/news/92827094_fire-reported-at-oregon-islamic-center-no-injuries-arson-is-suspected.htm?xid=RSSfeed

glenn beck rush limbaugh nancy pelosi

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Meet the Creators: David Cohn

Source: http://current.com/studios/blog/92817166_current-tv-welcomes-you-to-creation-studios.htm

nancy pelosi barack obama senate

Giving Thanks for American Ingenuity

I, Electric Carving Knife Happy Thanksgiving, readers! Hope you all have a wonderful holiday with family and friends. My column today gives thanks for American ingenuity. Many of you are familar with the famous economics essay, “I, Pencil,” which uses the lowly writing tool to teach profound lessons about the wonders of free-market capitalism. Today, [...]

Source: http://michellemalkin.com/2010/11/24/giving-thanks-for-american-ingenuity/

nancy pelosi barack obama senate

Palin: ?Obviously, We?ve Got To Stand With Our North Korean Allies?

In recent days, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has hinted in her clearest language yet that she is seriously considering a run for the presidency in 2012. Many observers have argued that Palin could never win because of her embarrassing lack of expertise, knowledge, or interest in foreign policy. Her appearance on Fox News host [...]

Source: http://thinkprogress.org/2010/11/24/palin-north-korea/

glenn beck rush limbaugh nancy pelosi

The kids are all right

Yesterday, I held a session on privacy and publicness as part of a news literacy event held at Baruch’s journalism school, intending to exploit these young people by interviewing them — rather than lecturing them — for my book on publicness and privacy. I came away greatly heartened about the wisdom and savvy of the [...]

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/buzzmachine/~3/PSNxuhYP5Gs/

senate house race debt commision

Stuxnet: The second-greatest story ever told

"[T]he worm was designed to allow the Iranian program to continue but never succeed, and never to know why.

Source: http://hotair.com/archives/2010/11/27/stuxnet-the-second-greatest-story-ever-told/

senate house race debt commision

A Family Reunion

In my journal about the NR cruise, I mention a passenger of ours who turned 85 while onboard. He has seen and done a lot in his life. For one thing, he survived the Battle of the Bulge -- which so many fighters in that battle did not. I thought I’d share with you a letter from a reader:

Hi, Jay,

. . . Felt compelled to respond after reading your column today, and reflecting on having my dad present for our Thanksgiving holiday.

My dad survived the Battle of the Bulge too. He was 19 years old and bookish. . . . Dad’s unit tried several times to fight their way down the hill and were repeatedly cut down. Finally, thousands of Americans surrendered. . . .

On to a prisoner-of-war camp, for the next few months. Down to 110 pounds. As you know, it’s late in the war. One morning, all Germans gone, and Russians arrive to take control of the camp. Smiles, but still all Brits and Americans are under guard, and the gates are locked and the barbed wire and searchlights stay.

Good news: Escape now possible. Russians somewhat lax, and small groups of guys are escaping at night. The idea is to walk west toward the American lines. Dad gets out with a few others, and walks along the roads headed west.

Unbeknownst to him, his older brother’s Army unit is in the area . . . All that’s known is that Dad is missing in action, and may be a prisoner . . . As they make their way west, Dad and his cohorts hide in the bushes while vehicles pass. Most of them are Russian army trucks (Dodge trucks with the red star on them). One vehicle, however, is a Jeep with a familiar-looking driver. Dad jumps out of the bushes, because the driver is his brother.

My uncle has described the excitement to me. But he didn’t want to embrace my dad because he was so frail. . . .

There are a million stories like this. Yet, somehow, the power of one is not diminished by the existence of the others.

Jay Nordlinger

Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/253973/family-reunion-jay-nordlinger

media matter glenn beck rush limbaugh

WW3 - World War Three in Detail, showing Start Date, Casualties, Leaders and More

Even though this article ands it's contents were generated in 2003, it is eerily coming true!

Source: http://current.com/news/92825387_ww3-world-war-three-in-detail-showing-start-date-casualties-leaders-and-more.htm?xid=RSSfeed

glenn beck rush limbaugh nancy pelosi

Whither the Times magazine?

MediaWeek, under its new boss, Michael Wolff, asked a bunch of us what we’d advise the New York Times Magazines’ new boss to do. Here was my full answer:
Their Q: The New York Times Magazine has a new editor, Hugo Lindgren. If you could make one suggestion for how he could improve the Times [...]

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/buzzmachine/~3/w_aPcCa8W8w/

media matter glenn beck rush limbaugh

Saturday, November 27, 2010

What Went Wrong in Ireland

Via Guido, a carefully balanced World Bank report (from May 2009) describing what went wrong on Ireland written by a Trinity College (Dublin) professor who has now become the new governor of the Irish Central Bank. There's plenty of blame to go around, but note in particular the way that the introduction of the euro created undue complacency of a type that the newly fashionable, if long deceased, economist Hyman Minsky might have recognized. More specifically, the adoption of the single currency effectively shut down some of the market warning signals that might have pushed the government into taking the sort of measures that would have avoided disaster:
  Elements of eurozone membership certainly contributed to the property boom, and to the deteriorating drift in wage competitiveness. Low interest rates and the removal of exchange rate risk facilitated the boom; the insensitivity of the exchange rate and of interest rates to domestic developments removed a traditional external constraint or at least warning sign...Specifically, real interest rates 1998-2007 averaged minus 1 per cent, compared with over 7 per cent in the [a pre-euro system designed to reduce intra-european exchange rate volatility] ERM period (even excluding the crisis of 1992-3) and 3¾ in the floating rate period between the two. The fall in nominal interest rates was even steeper. No wonder long-lived assets like residential property, capitalized at permanently lower discount factors, seemed and were appropriately valued more highly than before. The problem was to determine just how much higher. EMU [economic and monetary union] introduced that element of uncertainty.

Up to 2003, the property boom was financed without significant recourse to foreign borrowing, but after then the banks started to borrow heavily from abroad. This was an effortless undertaking thanks to the removal of currency risk and went essentially unnoticed by analysts, the focus of policy attention having shifted away entirely from balance of payments concerns. Unlike imbalances of the past, overborrowing did not lead to interest rate increases, again because currency risk had been altogether removed. Only when credit risk became an issue after September 2008 did the financial markets belatedly sound a warning sign.

Much the same could be said of wage rates. As shown by Honohan and Leddin (2006), the former tendency for deviations in wage competitiveness to correct themselves (error correction model), detectable in previous data, was no longer evident after EMU began. The regime once again tolerated a larger movement awayfrom equilibrium before warning signals sounded.  


Those interested in this tragedy should read the whole thing.

Andrew Stuttaford

Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/253947/what-went-wrong-ireland-andrew-stuttaford

media matter glenn beck rush limbaugh

CBO: Recovery Act Raised GDP And Lowered Unemployment But Effects Are ?Expected To Wane?

ABC News reports that the Congressional Budget Office this week released its latest report on the effects of the Recovery Act and found that it “raised the GDP, lowered unemployment, and increased the number of people with jobs.” According to the report, CBO estimates that the Recovery Act’s policies in the third quarter of the [...]

Source: http://thinkprogress.org/2010/11/26/cbo-recovery-act/

rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

Did Policemen Order Hit On Fellow Cop As Major Police Scandal Unfolds in Phoenix, AZ ?


Phoenix, AZ—Is Phoenix police Sergeant Sean T. Drenth’s October 18. 2010 murder connected to this shocking scandal? Sgt. Drenth was murdered in an alley adjacent to a desolate State Capitol parking lot in an ongoing mystery. He was shot-gunned to death. Sgt Drenth was a suspect in this major Fraudulent Schemes and Theft case when he was killed.

The Arizona Attorney General’s office today unsealed and announced the indictments of three current and one former Phoenix police officers. As many as 25 additional officers may get caught up in this career ending disaster that may bring lengthy prison terms. For those that don’t know Arizona sentences for crimes are usually triple and quadruple what the same offenses would bring in Illinois or California.

This is a very sad day in the law enforcement community.

From the Press Release issued today:

(Phoenix, Ariz. - Nov. 18, 2010) Attorney General Terry Goddard today announced the indictment of three Phoenix Police Officers and a former member of the Phoenix Police Department on felony charges related to money they received for off-duty security work they allegedly did not perform.

Former Phoenix Officer George Emil Contreras, 45, was indicted on four felony counts that include fraud, illegal control of an enterprise and theft, for actions he took during his employment with the department performing off-duty security services for multiple clients.

Also indicted on theft charges related to off-duty work they were hired to perform were three current members of the Phoenix Police Department: Sgt. Benjamin Hugh Sywarungsymun, 35, Officer Steven Paul Peck, 40, and Officer Aaron J. Lentz, 30.

Contreras was a Phoenix Police Officer for 18 years before he resigned in 2008. While employed by the department, he also served as an off-duty work coordinator, out of the South Mountain Precinct, for off-duty jobs for the alleged business victims: the Cotton Center Townhomes at 48th Street and Broadway, Laron Incorporated, Arizona Materials, and Eisenberg Properties, all in Phoenix.

The indictment alleges that from December 2005 through December 2007, Contreras committed fraud and theft on the businesses by submitting false documents to them in the form of invoices in advance of the work to be performed and accepting pay for the full hours of work indicated in the invoices, even though he did not work the full hours for which he was paid. Contreras is alleged to also have formed and used a business called Raptor Services to invoice and collect payment from the victim businesses. Sgt. Sywarungsymun, Officer Peck, and Officer Lentz are also alleged to have committed theft by accepting pay for hours of off-duty security which they did not perform, as coordinated by Contreras.

The alleged business victim that suffered the largest loss was the Cotton Center Townhomes, which involved a security job contracted with the Phoenix Police Department by three homeowners associations to help reduce crime in an area with a high volume of calls for police service, requiring two officers and a marked patrol car.

Contreras, as the coordinator, assigned a large majority of shifts to himself, as well as the other officers listed in the indictment. Contreras is alleged to have committed thefts in excess of $9,000, Lentz in excess of $2,000, Sywarungsymun in excess of $1,800, and Peck in excess of $1,700, all felony level thefts. Total losses alleged in the indictment are in excess of $16,000.

Source: http://current.com/news/92825595_did-policemen-order-hit-on-fellow-cop-as-major-police-scandal-unfolds-in-phoenix-az.htm?xid=RSSfeed

media matter glenn beck rush limbaugh

Happy Thanksgiving

I’m about to go get the turkey out of the brine. I’m going to cook my first turkey today ? say a prayer.

I just wanted to take a minute to wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving.

I am thankful most of all for Christ who died for me and for my wife and children. I am also very thankful for the front page writers of RedState, our community of users, and you the reader.

I hope you have a restful, enjoyable, and delicious Thanksgiving.

God bless,

Source: http://www.redstate.com/erick/2010/11/25/happy-thanksgiving-2/

nancy pelosi barack obama senate

Hey, Warren, put all your money where your mouth is

An extravagant proposal.

Source: http://hotair.com/archives/2010/11/26/hey-warren-put-all-your-money-where-your-mouth-is/

glenn beck rush limbaugh nancy pelosi

Quotes of the day


Source: http://hotair.com/archives/2010/11/25/quotes-of-the-day-521/

senate house race debt commision

OBAMA INJURED PLAYING BALL… Gets 12 Stitches on Busted Lip (Photo)

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/gatewaypundit2/~3/FjDcTu79LEQ/

rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

Pam Geller: Park51 Is ?The Second Wave Of The 9/11 Attack?

In an age where the blackhole of Islamophobia threatens to engulf reasonable discourse, the Park51 proposal is undoubtedly its singularity. The mere mention of a possible Islamic community center near Ground Zero in New York City whips the right wing into apoplectic rants about Muslim Nazis and “spooky mosques” that create a “hot bed” for [...]

Source: http://thinkprogress.org/2010/11/24/pam-geller-park51/

rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

Friday, November 26, 2010

The Universe Was Once a Liquid

The world's most powerful particle accelerator smashed together lead nuclei at the highest energies possible, creating dense sub-atomic particles that reach temperatures of over ten trillion degrees. Beyond being awesome, this achievement shows the early universe was actually a liquid.

Normal matter can't exist in any form at these sort of absurdly hot temperatures. Instead, matter is thought to melt into a strange, soup-like substance known as quark-gluon plasma. Researchers are still investigating exactly what happens when this quark-gluon plasma emerges, but the early results seem to confirm the theory that the plasma acts like a liquid, not a gas.

Earlier research had shown that the sub-atomic fireballs acted like liquids at lower temperatures, but there was still some expectation that they would move into more gaseous behavior when temperatures got hot enough for the plasma to emerge. University of Birmingham astrophysicist Dr. David Evans says these findings should also reflect what the universe looked like in its first microseconds of existence:

"Although it is very early days we are already learning more about the early Universe. These first results would seem to suggest that the Universe would have behaved like a super-hot liquid immediately after the Big Bang."

Further study will be needed to better understand just how the quark-gluon plasma acts at these trillion-degree temperatures. Researchers have already made one unexpected discovery. It turns out the fireballs caused by the collision create way more subatomic particles than most models would expect, as researchers were able to observe thousands of particles radiating out from each fireball.


Source: http://current.com/shows/upstream/92823016_the-universe-was-once-a-liquid.htm?xid=RSSfeed

barack obama senate house race

Meghan McCain on THAT WOMAN.

What annoys me about this Meghan McCain article (via here) is not that I feel the urge to get a red pen (or perhaps an old priest and a young priest*).� Coherent writing on the Internet is not… precisely unknown; but neither is it particularly reliable.� You have to accept that there are a lot of people out there who cannot really write.� Some of them do so for an audience.� Insanely, some of them even get paid.

No, the annoying bit is that there’s an actual point in McCain’s essay, crying in the dark because it’s surrounded by slightly oozy fluff: Sarah Palin is manipulating the New Media paradigm in a fashion that not even Obama has, or possibly even can.

I know that this sounds counter-intuitive - we were certainly told over and over again that the President is the master of this particular domain - but consider the 2008 campaign for a minute.� There was a lot of online fundraising, a lot of third-party hero worship, and a lot of social networking inside the campaign… but nailing the candidate down to actual positions was a bit hard.� I can speak from personal experience that when asked about a specific policy stance the average Obama supporter would respond with either his or her own position, or a breezy “Oh, you can check that out on the website” - which was Obama-supporter for “I don’t have a clue.”� In other words, Obama’s success was in insinuating himself into enough Americans’ mental landscapes; he was protean, and thus able to be portrayed as whatever a supporter wanted him to be.� Which works rather well when one is running what was essentially an emotion-based campaign.

Former Governor Palin is instead demonstrating that she is a mistress of being iconic, in a way that honestly we haven’t seen since Reagan. There is a definite Palin ‘brand’ - and it’s everywhere by now.� Case in point: I’ve never had to explain who I mean when I type out THAT WOMAN. Everybody knows. There’s only one of ‘em, which is why I do it.� And if THAT WOMAN runs she will probably unpleasantly surprise a large number of people who are currently smugly certain that they can define her any way that they like**.

Moe Lane (crosspost)

*I mean, seriously:

This is her strategy, and yes, she is running for president. See her recent interview with Barbara Walters, in which she stated that she believes she ?could beat President Obama in 2012? if you need any other assurances.

Does the Daily Beast actually have copy-editors?� And if they do, are they ever sober?

**I don’t know whether Sarah Palin would successfully use her mastery of New Media to get elected, assuming that she runs in the first place.� Then again, Howard Dean did not successfully use his mastery of online fundraising to get elected - but Obama did, and everybody in the game uses Dean’s techniques now.

Source: http://www.redstate.com/moe_lane/2010/11/23/meghan-mccain-on-that-woman/

barack obama senate house race

The Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism

Today we at the City University of New York Graduate School of Journalism are announcing the founding and funding of the Tow-Knight Center for Entrepreneurial Journalism.
The Center, which I’ll direct, received $3 million each from the Tow and Knight foundations, in addition to earlier funding from the McCormick, MacArthur, and Carnegie foundations and CUNY. [...]

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/buzzmachine/~3/VbZox5xG-mQ/

senate house race debt commision

Liberals to Launch ?Centrist? Political Movement

Middle of the road?

Source: http://michellemalkin.com/2010/11/24/centrist/

house race debt commision media matter

Washington Post Blames Brits to Protect Petraeus in Mansour Impostor Fiasco

On Tuesday we learned that the much-heralded "peace talks" NATO orchestrated between the Afghan government and Taliban officials had included several meetings with an impostor claiming to be Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansour. This news appeared to place General David Petraeus in a very bad light, as he had even been described as having "facilitated the talks by allowing Taliban officials to fly to the meetings in safety." Little wonder, then, that the Washington Post felt obligated to engage in some Petraeus image rehabilitation. They happily did so today by trying to place the blame for the impostor on the British. The New York Times was quite happy to join in on this effort, contributing a "no comment" from British intelligence and quoting a passage from the Post article describing "the British as more aggressive than the Americans in pushing for a political settlement to end the war."

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/firedoglake/fdl/~3/14jpMQM4Li0/

debt commision media matter glenn beck

What Went Wrong in Ireland

Via Guido, a carefully balanced World Bank report (from May 2009) describing what went wrong on Ireland written by a Trinity College (Dublin) professor who has now become the new governor of the Irish Central Bank. There's plenty of blame to go around, but note in particular the way that the introduction of the euro created undue complacency of a type that the newly fashionable, if long deceased, economist Hyman Minsky might have recognized. More specifically, the adoption of the single currency effectively shut down some of the market warning signals that might have pushed the government into taking the sort of measures that would have avoided disaster:
  Elements of eurozone membership certainly contributed to the property boom, and to the deteriorating drift in wage competitiveness. Low interest rates and the removal of exchange rate risk facilitated the boom; the insensitivity of the exchange rate and of interest rates to domestic developments removed a traditional external constraint or at least warning sign...Specifically, real interest rates 1998-2007 averaged minus 1 per cent, compared with over 7 per cent in the [a pre-euro system designed to reduce intra-european exchange rate volatility] ERM period (even excluding the crisis of 1992-3) and 3¾ in the floating rate period between the two. The fall in nominal interest rates was even steeper. No wonder long-lived assets like residential property, capitalized at permanently lower discount factors, seemed and were appropriately valued more highly than before. The problem was to determine just how much higher. EMU [economic and monetary union] introduced that element of uncertainty.

Up to 2003, the property boom was financed without significant recourse to foreign borrowing, but after then the banks started to borrow heavily from abroad. This was an effortless undertaking thanks to the removal of currency risk and went essentially unnoticed by analysts, the focus of policy attention having shifted away entirely from balance of payments concerns. Unlike imbalances of the past, overborrowing did not lead to interest rate increases, again because currency risk had been altogether removed. Only when credit risk became an issue after September 2008 did the financial markets belatedly sound a warning sign.

Much the same could be said of wage rates. As shown by Honohan and Leddin (2006), the former tendency for deviations in wage competitiveness to correct themselves (error correction model), detectable in previous data, was no longer evident after EMU began. The regime once again tolerated a larger movement awayfrom equilibrium before warning signals sounded.  


Those interested in this tragedy should read the whole thing.

Andrew Stuttaford

Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/253947/what-went-wrong-ireland-andrew-stuttaford

barack obama senate house race

Is Marriage Just Evolving?

Are the headlines right? Do Americans really think marriage is becoming obsolete? And does this trend simply show how the concept of family is evolving to include many different arrangements?

According to the Time/Pew poll results released last week, 39 percent of Americans do indeed believe marriage is becoming obsolete, and this belief is more common among the less-educated. Among those with college degrees (who make up only about 30 percent of the population), only 27 percent agree that marriage is becoming obsolete. Among those with “some college,” 41 percent agree. Among those with a high-school degree or less, 45 percent agree.

More education corresponds to higher pay, so it’s no surprise that the same trend appears with income. Among those making $75,000 or more, only 30 percent agree that marriage is becoming obsolete. Among those making $30,000 or less, 48 percent agree.

Age also makes a difference: Agreement is most common in the 18–29 cohort (44 percent).

In other words, the people who think marriage is becoming obsolete are not liberal professors at Ivy League schools. Instead, think of a twenty-something Joe the Plumber.

A couple of popular explanations for the trend:

1) More Americans today lack the financial stability to attain marriage.

2) Americans are more tolerant and realize that there are many different family forms out there.

3) Americans don’t value marriage as much anymore.

While the answer may lie in some combination of these explanations, another possibility -- often overlooked -- is that while non-college-educated Americans value the idea of marriage, they lack confidence in the institution of marriage to secure the love and commitment that they prize so much. Why? Because they have seen it fail so often. In our interviews with working-class young people in Ohio this summer, the one statistic that everyone had heard was that 50 percent of marriages end in divorce. Many had seen that stat reflected in reality.

One working-class young man whose mother is in her third marriage explains that while “I like the thought of [marriage] . . . I feel like you shouldn’t have to put it in paper.” It’s not that he doesn’t want to get married -- he is engaged, and prizes marriage for the companionship it provides. But at the same time, he wonders why he has to formalize the relationship. After all, he asks, “What good ever comes from contracts really? You get screwed in the long run.”

When many Americans survey the relationship landscape in their friends’ and families’ lives, they wonder whether marriage really provides any more stability than a live-in relationship. To some, marriage doesn’t seem worth the risk of an expensive and drawn out divorce. Perhaps Middle Americans are less confident in marriage than their more affluent peers not because they’ve discovered the felicity of a better-functioning family form -- but because they have experienced more heartache, more divorce, more fatherlessness, more relationship turnover.

As one young working-class woman who was raised by a single mother explains, “It’s hard on the kids being tossed back and forth. It’s hard for kids to have to ask, ‘Which one of my dads?’ Your heart just breaks when you hear it. Where’s their identity? What do they call home? It just seems like it’s a lot for a small child to handle.” That is what the “changing family” looks like.

“Sociologists tend to believe the answers lie outside marriage,” Time journalist Belinda Luscombe noted in her article about the poll results. She continued:

[Marriage historian Stephanie] Coontz thinks that if we changed our assumptions about alternative family arrangements and our respect for them, people would be more responsible about them. “We haven’t raised our expectations of how unmarried parents will react to each other. We haven’t raised our expectations of divorce or singlehood,” she says. “It should not be that within marriage you owe everything and without marriage you don’t owe anything. When we expect responsible behavior outside as well as inside marriage, we actually reduce the temptation to evade or escape marriage.”

But are we really prepared to say that this loss of confidence in marriage -- which plagues the non-college-educated while leaving the college-educated relatively unscathed -- is just another step in the evolution of the family?

-- David and Amber Lapp are co-investigators of the Love and Marriage in Middle America project, sponsored by the Institute for American Values. They blog at FamilyScholars.org.

David and Amber Lapp

Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/253910/marriage-just-evolving-david-and-amber-lapp

glenn beck rush limbaugh nancy pelosi

Connect A Million MindsWhy Is the US So Behind in Math and Science?

Source: http://current.com/bfd/92804057_why-are-so-many-countries-ahead-of-the-us-in-math-and-science.htm

house race debt commision media matter

Thursday, November 25, 2010

What Went Wrong in Ireland

Via Guido, a carefully balanced World Bank report (from May 2009) describing what went wrong on Ireland written by a Trinity College (Dublin) professor who has now become the new governor of the Irish Central Bank. There's plenty of blame to go around, but note in particular the way that the introduction of the euro created undue complacency of a type that the newly fashionable, if long deceased, economist Hyman Minsky might have recognized. More specifically, the adoption of the single currency effectively shut down some of the market warning signals that might have pushed the government into taking the sort of measures that would have avoided disaster:
  Elements of eurozone membership certainly contributed to the property boom, and to the deteriorating drift in wage competitiveness. Low interest rates and the removal of exchange rate risk facilitated the boom; the insensitivity of the exchange rate and of interest rates to domestic developments removed a traditional external constraint or at least warning sign...Specifically, real interest rates 1998-2007 averaged minus 1 per cent, compared with over 7 per cent in the [a pre-euro system designed to reduce intra-european exchange rate volatility] ERM period (even excluding the crisis of 1992-3) and 3¾ in the floating rate period between the two. The fall in nominal interest rates was even steeper. No wonder long-lived assets like residential property, capitalized at permanently lower discount factors, seemed and were appropriately valued more highly than before. The problem was to determine just how much higher. EMU [economic and monetary union] introduced that element of uncertainty.

Up to 2003, the property boom was financed without significant recourse to foreign borrowing, but after then the banks started to borrow heavily from abroad. This was an effortless undertaking thanks to the removal of currency risk and went essentially unnoticed by analysts, the focus of policy attention having shifted away entirely from balance of payments concerns. Unlike imbalances of the past, overborrowing did not lead to interest rate increases, again because currency risk had been altogether removed. Only when credit risk became an issue after September 2008 did the financial markets belatedly sound a warning sign.

Much the same could be said of wage rates. As shown by Honohan and Leddin (2006), the former tendency for deviations in wage competitiveness to correct themselves (error correction model), detectable in previous data, was no longer evident after EMU began. The regime once again tolerated a larger movement awayfrom equilibrium before warning signals sounded.  


Those interested in this tragedy should read the whole thing.

Andrew Stuttaford

Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/253947/what-went-wrong-ireland-andrew-stuttaford

house race debt commision media matter

Giving Thanks

Marco Rubio, John Boehner, Sarah Palin, Victor Davis Hanson, Heather Mac Donald, and more do it here.

If you're off for a bit: Safe travels and Happy Thanksgiving! Thanks for being a part of NRO. And a special thanks to those of you deployed abroad in our name. 

Kathryn Jean Lopez

Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/253941/giving-thanks-kathryn-jean-lopez

debt commision media matter glenn beck

Senate Bill 150., Safe Food?

This is very very very very important, even if you do not live on a farm or even raise a tomato plant.

Please write your senator and tell them to PLEASE not pass this bill.
Posted above is the text to Senate Bill 150.

My canary in a coal mine is to oppose anything that Monsanto and Cargill are for.. as they are usually always 99.99999% FOR anything that I am AGAINST. Monsanto guys are the one who wrote the law and then got a senator to sponsor it.

British Columbia did something like this a few years ago due to one of the ‘congress people’ lost her child due to some kind of tainted (STOREBOUGHT PROCESSED) food. What it did was kill farmgate sales (although we just did it where we were anyway) and after a few years, they revoked alot of the legislature on it. It also helped put many farms, CSA’s and ranchers out of business.

The new section 418 Hazard Analysis and Risk-based Preventive Controls applies a requirement to all businesses required to register under the 2002 Bioterrorism Act. This will ensure that farmers markets are endangered. This also puts CSA (community supported agriculture) in danger.

Interstingly, there is no reference to GMO Foods in this legislation. “Food safety” as referenced in S. 510 is concerned with controlling foodborne pathogens. The bill states food producers will have to register with the FDA, pay a $500.00 fee, submit to on-site inspections, and implement a complex “Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) System. What’s the cut-off point? Is it acreage? Yield? Average income per acre of the previous year? Is it determined by crop? This sounds an awful lot like NAIS (The brainchild of Monsanto and crew regardling livestock) which is also not dead and just currently under the radar. Here is my rant about that:

This bill also goes further than just an apple out of hand. Us seed producers, especially seed exchanges and organizations that seek to preserve heirloom seeds will be affected. Did you know that the USA government imposed that Iraq farmers can no longer save seed? At all. This will kill Seedy Saturdays and also put small vegetable seed growers and maybe even larger ones out of business.

Sen. Richard Durbin [D-IL] is the one who sponsored this bill and these are the newest amendments.

In short.. this bill:

* It would remove the right to clean, store and thus own seed in the US, putting control of seeds in the hands of Monsanto and other multinationals, threatening not just US security, but we are working our way to famine.

* Includes NAIS (see above), an animal traceability program that threatens all small farmers and ranchers raising animals. The UN is participating through the WHO, FAO, WTO, and World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) in allowing mass slaughter of even heritage breeds of animals and without proof of disease.
Biodiversity in farm animals is being wiped out to substitute genetically modified animals on which corporations hold patents.

* Threatens all safe and organic food and health itself, while mandating GM food, GM animals, pesticides, hormones, irradiation of food, etc.

* It extends the policy Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points (HACCP) – to all food, thus threatening to do to all local food production and farming what HACCP did to meat production put it in corporate hands and probably worsen food safety.
This bill S. 150 is very much like the C-6 bill in Canada. Bill C6 allows inspectors to enter and cross private property without a warrant, and it releases them from liability for damages they may cause. Bill C6 has a schedule of listed products that can be added to by the minister without going to parliament for approval. This could be used to restrict the health freedoms of Canadians by limiting access to health supplements and organic products. I am not sure how it stands currently, but I do watch the bills on each side of the border pertaining to agriculture.

Basically the plan is that they are voting in the bill and ‘addressing all the details later”.

Here is how to contact your senator. http://www.senate.gov/general/contact_information/senators_cfm.cfm

In the last year ONLY 6,000 people died from ANY food related issues and the majority of that was processed foods, whereas 100,000 ppl died from drugs which were OK’s by the FDA in the same amount of time.


Source: http://current.com/news/92821395_senate-bill-150-safe-food.htm?xid=RSSfeed

debt commision media matter glenn beck

Chicago?s Michael Pfleger and Karen Lewis: When Radicals Disagree

When EAGtv?s reporting team got back from covering a school choice rally in Chicago, they mentioned how impressed they were by one of the event?s speakers ? a Father Michael Somethingorother.� They appreciated Father Michael?s no-holds-barred support for school choice, but being journalists, they were especially grateful for his colorful sound bites that could be [...]

Source: http://biggovernment.com/kolson/2010/11/24/chicagos-michael-pfleger-and-karen-lewis-when-radicals-disagree/

senate house race debt commision

The Palin Fish Massacre of Aught Ten

Want to go clubbing tonight?

Source: http://hotair.com/archives/2010/11/25/the-palin-fish-massacre-of-aught-ten/

house race debt commision media matter

Does Glenn Beck Think Andrew Napolitano Should Be Fired For Being A 9/11 Truther?

Last year, White House green jobs adviser, and now Center for American Progress fellow Van Jones resigned after Fox News host Glenn Beck’s months-long oil industry fueled campaign to smear Jones. “I’ve been talking about Van Jones, a special adviser to the president, because he’s got the president’s ear and he’s an admitted communist; a [...]

Source: http://thinkprogress.org/2010/11/24/beck-napolitano-911-truther/

senate house race debt commision

Taliban Imposter

Jeremy Scahill is interviewed by Chris Hayes on the Rachel Maddow Show.

Source: http://current.com/news/92819346_taliban-imposter.htm?xid=RSSfeed

house race debt commision media matter

Morning Briefing for November 24, 2010

RedState Morning Briefing

For November 24, 2010

Go to www.RedStateMB.com to get
the Morning Briefing every morning at no charge.


Happy Thanksgiving

I am thankful for Christ who died for me. I am thankful for my wife, my children, Eagle Publishing, and many more things.

But I want to take just a moment to share with you that I am also thankful for you. This morning email is a daily labor of love. Many of you have become good email friends. It remains a pleasure to get the Morning Briefing to you each week day.

Five days a week I get up early, get this out the door, and go back to bed. Occasionally I take day or two off and enjoy sleeping in. Tomorrow, instead of sending this out, I’ll be up before dawn getting a turkey in the smoker. Friday, wonderful Friday, I will be sleeping in.

Have a wonderful, safe, and delicious Thanksgiving. Enjoy the leftovers on Friday, And God bless each and every one of you. See you Monday morning.

1. Corruption

I know some of you are a bit perplexed about why I, a guy in Georgia, keep writing about Joe Straus, a liberal elitist in Texas.

It is very simple really. Texas is going to make big gains in the census and pick up some congressional districts. Conservatives across the country must be concerned that the man who will have the heaviest hand in drawing those lines is 100% NARAL supported and ridiculously corrupt.

We must fight at the state level here to help the conservative cause nationally in the 2012 elections.

And what happened late yesterday should concern everyone ? really concern everyone, not to mention embarrass all the Texans.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

2. Gov Jindal: ?Make Congressmen Part-time?

It seems like an insurmountable task for GOP candidates to take out the liberal fixtures of Nancy Pelosi, Charlie Rangel, and Barney Frank in congressional elections, but how about making them part-time workers instead? Perhaps that?s one way to minimize the amount of unpopular legislation coming out of Washington these days. Bobby Jindal thinks so. According to him, it?s about time we slice and dice the number of hours lawmakers have in a work day.

?We used to pay farmers not to grow crops, let?s make congressman stay out of Washington, D.C.,? the Louisiana Governor said in an exclusive interview with HUMAN EVENTS. ?Our liberty, our wallets are safest when the legislature?s not in session,? he added, borrowing the line from Mark Twain.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

3. Thoughts on the TSA ? Opt Out Today

As many of us go through the grand experience of the TSA prostate exams ? no doubt a part of healthcare cost savings under Obamacare ? we need to consider a few things.

When terrorists started trying to bring liquid explosives on planes, we went to 3 oz. bottles.

When terrorists started wearing bombs as underwear, we went to full body screening.

What happens when terrorists start using their body cavities? God help us.

In each of these instances, the threats occurred overseas. No one overseas is going through the motions that we are going through here. No one.

Why us?

And if this is designed to stop terrorists from blowing up airplanes, why stop there? Why not trains? Why not buses?

Please click here for the rest of the post.

Source: http://www.redstate.com/erick/2010/11/24/morning-briefing-for-november-24-2010/

senate house race debt commision

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

David Pryce-Jones

on North Korea. 

Kathryn Jean Lopez

Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/253911/david-pryce-jones-kathryn-jean-lopez

barack obama senate house race

Connect A Million MindsWhy Is the US So Behind in Math and Science?

Source: http://current.com/bfd/92804057_why-are-so-many-countries-ahead-of-the-us-in-math-and-science.htm

barack obama senate house race

Corporations Show Largest Profits in History Amidst Jobs Crisis !

Once again the corporate Fascists have shown their true colors!

Source: http://current.com/news/92817474_corporations-show-largest-profits-in-history-amidst-jobs-crisis.htm?xid=RSSfeed

debt commision media matter glenn beck

The persecution of Hoder

Very troubling news about Hossein Derakhshan, the Iranian blog pioneer known online as Hoder: He received a prison sentence of 19.5 years in Iran for being an “anti-revolutionary blogger.”
I’m personally heartbroken. I first met Hoder online when I happened upon his blog as he announced that another Iranian blogger, Sina Motalebi, had been arrested. Sina, [...]

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/buzzmachine/~3/6EhIgRZI4tE/

barack obama senate house race

Creating an economic boom

Low taxes and open markets…today on Uncommon Knowledge, Prince Hans Adam sets forth Liechtenstein as an example for reviving a limping economy.

…whenever a government or party said we should have higher taxation, the people said ‘No, because,’ they thought, ‘we know much better what we can do with our money than the State does with our money.  So to create jobs and so on, we know much better.  We’ll give the money to somebody who is a good entrepreneur.’

Click Here

Peter Robinson

Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/253633/creating-economic-boom-peter-robinson

barack obama senate house race

Transatlantic Conservatism

Tim Montgomerie summarizes the lessons he sees for Republicans in the experience of David Cameron.

Ramesh Ponnuru

Source: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/253853/transatlantic-conservatism-ramesh-ponnuru

rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

Why They Don?t Need To ?Touch Your Junk? At Israeli Airports

Fighting against terrorism, an evil which rejects all the basic moral and legal norms of civilized society, is inherently difficult for liberal democracies such as the United States. It forces us �to find the right balance between the protection of civil liberties on one hand and the prevention [...]

Source: http://biggovernment.com/jdunetz/2010/11/23/why-they-dont-need-to-touch-your-junk-at-israeli-airports/

senate house race debt commision

Another Atrocity: TSA Agents Molest Three-Year Old

On September 11, 2001, 19 men killed nearly 3,000 innocent men, women and children. All of the killers were of Middle Eastern descent and in their 20s.

Not having been born on September 11th, this little boy is undoubtedly too young to know of the death and despair that occurred on that day.

He is still probably too young to learn about it even now.

He is not, however, too young to learn what it is like to be molested at the hands of his government [via Fox31].

Although this young man is neither of Middle Eastern descent, nor is he in his teens or early 20s, he apparently does fit the profile of an average American terrorist, according to Janet Napolitano.


“Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Benjamin Franklin, 1755

Follow laborunionrpt on Twitter

Source: http://www.redstate.com/laborunionreport/2010/11/22/another-atrocity-tsa-agents-molest-three-year-old/

house race debt commision media matter

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The great depression of 2010

A great deal of the damage being inflicted in my world, and perhaps in yours, stems in part from very rich people acting with a pointed disregard for the well-being of those who are not rich. In some cases the issues are macro – housing bubbles and banking failures and Wall Street bailouts. In other cases, the problems are micro and very, very personal.

Despair looms for too many Americans. We want to hope, we need to hope, we try desperately to hope, but blind faith that things are bound to get better only carry you so far. At some point you have to admit that actual, tangible sources of hope are hard to find. I can’t wait for this godforsaken year to be over, but in truth, I felt that way about 2009 and have precisely zero evidence indicating that 2011 is going to be better.

Source: http://current.com/news/92816744_the-great-depression-of-2010.htm?xid=RSSfeed

media matter glenn beck rush limbaugh