Friday, May 27, 2011

Gays in the Military...Troops May Fear Sharing Beliefs

SAN DIEGO -- Military chaplains are concerned troops could be punished for expressing objections to homosexuality once the "don't ask, don't tell" policy is lifted.

Leaders of 21 religious groups that provide chaplains to the U.S. military on Monday sent a letter to the chiefs of chaplains of the Navy, Army and Air Force. They want Congress or the Pentagon to guarantee troops won't be punished if they openly discuss their objections to homosexuality.

"This is already an assault and a challenge on individual conscience and some Soldiers may think it's forcing them to abandon their religious beliefs or being marginalized for holding to those beliefs," said Douglas E. Lee, a retired Army brigadier general and chaplain, whose signature was the first on the letter.

Chaplains who preach at base chapels that homosexuality is a sin will still be entitled to express their beliefs during worship after the military's adopts its new policy allowing openly gay troops, according to training materials given to Marines.

But the organizations say it is not enough to state that service members and chaplains remain free to exercise their faith in chapel services.


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