Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The distraction trope

In the Guardian, Jonathan Freedland is the latest curmudgeon to recycle Nick Carr’s distraction trope, microwave it, and serve it with gravy. The argument is that Twitter?though possibly a wonderful thing for Egyptian revolutionaries (we can argue that trope another day)?is distracting us Westerners from our important work of deep reading and deep thinking and [...]


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1 comment:

  1. With HCL ISD coming up with their innovative platform MyCloud, Nicholas G. Carr (aka Nick), the author of The Big Switch: Rewiring the World, From Edison to Google, anticipates more such innovations out of intense competition. View HCL Technologies' VP - Marketing Anubhav Saxena asking him about the development of an economic progress model for the suppliers of Cloud Computing. "Cloud is going to turn a lot of basic infrastructure into a raw commodity," nodded Nick while replying to Anubhav.
