Monday, June 13, 2011

Morning Briefing for June 13, 2011

RedState Morning Briefing

For June 13, 2011

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Save the American Dream

The Heritage Foundation has put together a plan to deal with our exploding national debt and out of control Washington spending. The plan is called Saving the American Dream: The Heritage Plan to Fix the Debt, Cut Spending, and Restore Prosperity.

This kind of plan is typical of the historic work of The Heritage Foundation?which is why I urge you to check out this site . . . complete with a video from yours truly.

In 1981, The Heritage Foundation?which remains America?s most influential conservative think tank?handed Ronald Reagan a blueprint to help turn his ideals into real policy. And he followed their lead.

Now they?re at it again . . . changing the game in Washington.

So if you want to be a game-changer yourself, take a look at this and consider becoming a Member of The Heritage Foundation and let?s put some additional firepower to our conservative activism.

1. An Important Week for the 2012 GOP Field Begins Tonight at 7pm on CNN

The GOP?s New Hampshire Primary debate begins tonight at 8 p.m. ET. CNN is hosting the debate and you can watch it live there.

But, beginning at 7 p.m. tonight, I?ll be on CNN’s John King USA participating with CNN?s preview of the debate. Likewise, on WSB Radio, I?ll have a pre-recorded preview of the debate. At 8 p.m., we?ll all tune to CNN to watch the debate and here at RedState we?ll have a live chat window so you guys can participate. I?ll also be doing play by play coverage live on radio.

From 10 p.m. to midnight, you?ll be able to tune to WSB Radio or listen online live at to my post-debate show. RedState readers will be able to call in toll free to comment on the debate. The number is 1-800-WSB-TALK.

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2. Free Press under pressure, Cyberterrorists get arrested, Same old FCC

Free Press is getting the heat. It?s been exposed through FOIA that the far left front group was secretly coordinating media strategy with people at the FCC, including Commissioner Michael Copps. So when Copps makes a statement about media regulation, Free Press?s pet issue, I have to assume they wrote it for him. Media Reform is their code for nationalization of the press, after all.

So now that they?re getting exposed, it?s almost not surprising that Free Press and their allies at the FCC are getting violent against conservatives and others exposing the truth about them.

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3. Dispatches from the Gulf ? of Mexico

ExxonMobil hits large Keathley Canyon discovery (Oil and Gas Journal, June 8, 2011). XOM announces the discovery of 700 million barrels equivalent (BOE) of oil and gas in 7,000 feet of water, 250 miles offshore Louisiana.

Shell?s Cardamom to come online (, June 9, 2011). Shell will bring on 50,000 barrels equivalent per day from its 140 million BOE discovery in 2,700 feet of water offshore Louisiana.

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4. Perry, Like Palin, Helps Romney. At Least Initially.

Every student of Morton Blackwell learns that political campaigns have three basic commodities: (1) Time, (2) Talent, and (3) Treasure. Of those commodities, talent and treasure are renewable resources to a limited extent. Time is both definite and finite.The constant factor in the 2012 Republican Presidential race right now is that Mitt Romney has the highest name ID of declared candidates. While you and I know who Rick Perry is, we are not normal primary voters. Those people are only now just becoming engaged and they remember Romney from 2008, but many do not know Perry.

So Perry would have to build up his name identification and raise money. This leaves Romney in the lead as the clock continues ticking.

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5. Cedar Falls Bureaucrats to Property Owners: Give us the keys to your property?

In late May, property owners in Cedar Falls, Iowa had their city government vote (6 to 1) in the second of three votes (the third vote will be held on Monday) to force owners to place lock boxes on their property giving the Fire Department access.

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6. SEIU On California?s Conservatives: ?If we can?t get them out, we?ll breed them out.?

There is a scene in the movie Braveheart in which King Edward I (Longshanks) laments that there are too many Scots. His solution is to declare reinstatement of the old practice of primae noctis, which is to allow his nobles to have the right to take the Scots? newlywed wives to their beds on their wedding night. Upon declaring primae noctis, Longshanks states (in obvious reference to impregnating the Scots? brides), ?If we can?t get them out, we?ll breed them out.?

Please click here for the rest of the post.

7. NJ?s Christie on Health & Pension Reform: We are on the precipice of disaster?

With a staggering $66.7 billion in unfunded health care liabilities (the highest in the nation) for government workers, on top of the $53.9 billion in unfunded pension liabilities owed to those government workers, the Garden State?s fiscal ship is sinking fast. Already, New Jersey?s property taxes are the highest in the nation with the average residential property tax bill at $7,281.

It is a problem that, so far, Democrats and their union backers refuse to acknowledge as they march and protest?even going so far as calling in professional protester Jesse Jackson earlier this month. However, in a breath of fresh air, New Jersey?s Senate President Steven Sweeney (a Democrat and a union guy) is trying to shake some common sense into members of his own party.

Please click here for the rest of the post.


rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

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