House Democrats are launching an ad campaign targeting Republicans in key districts who voted last week for Budget Chairman Paul Ryan's plan to dramatically revamp Medicare.
It's the latest in the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee's "Drive to 25," a reference to the number of seats needed in the 2012 elections to regain majority control in the U.S. House.
"This is a defining moment for House Republicans: they chose to end Medicare rather than end taxpayer giveaways for Big Oil or tax breaks for the ultra rich," said Rep. Steve Israel, D-N.Y., chairman of the DCCC. "We will go district by district to hold Republicans accountable for the wrong choice they made."
On Friday, the House passed a 2012 budget plan by Ryan, R-Wis., that would convert the Medicare health insurance program for seniors and people with disabilities into a voucher program. The final vote was 235-189, and no Democrat supported the measure.
Ryan, whose congressional district voted for President Obama in 2008, is on the House Democrats' target list. He has defended his budget proposal, saying it slashes federal spending to reduce the deficit and to protect Medicare for future generations.
The House Democrats plan radio spots, web ads, automated and live telephone calls and 4.5 million "action alert" e-mails for the next two weeks, capitalizing on spring break for Congress. No cost estimate was provided.
The GOP lawmakers being targeted are in Arkansas, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas and Wisconsin. Several of these Republicans represent districts like Ryan's that voted for Obama in 2008.
Joanna Burgos, deputy communications director for the National Republican Congressional Committee, said Democrats are engaging in "shameless scare tactics ... to mislead voters and cover up the real Democrat plan to watch Medicare die a painful death."
More at source.
- added by: ZiggyStrange
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