Thursday, February 10, 2011

New Jerseyans Tells State Workers to Toughen Up

Fifty-three percent of New Jerseyans approve of Gov. Chris Christie’s handling of the state budget, Quinnipiac University finds in a new poll. Here are some more points:

56 - 38 percent support layoffs for state workers. Democrats oppose layoffs 53 - 40 percent and voters with a union member in the household oppose layoffs 53 - 44 percent.

65 - 24 percent for furloughs for state workers, including 61 - 25 percent among Democrats and 61 - 28 percent in union households.

77 - 20 percent for wage freezes for state workers, including 72 - 23 percent among Democrats and 64 - 34 percent in union households.

66 - 29 percent for reducing pensions for new state workers, including 56 - 39 percent among Democrats and 57 - 42 percent in union households.

But some conservative education reforms are less popular:

68 - 27 percent in favor of merit pay for teachers who do an outstanding job;

62 - 30 percent in favor of limiting teacher tenure;

52 - 43 percent against school vouchers;

50 - 41 percent against charter schools.

 Read more here.

Brian Bolduc


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