Monday, November 29, 2010

Order to Kill Pope John Paul II Came from Vatican Itself: Ali Agca

The Turkish terrorist Mehmet Ali Agca, who on May 13, 1981 shot Pope John Paul II in Rome, Italy, said in a statement to Turkish television that the order to kill the leader of the Roman Catholic Church came from the Vatican itself.

Ali Agca was released on January 18 this year after spending 30 years in prison for the attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II in 1981, and the murder of Turkish journalist Abdil Ipecki in 1979.

"The Vatican decided on the assassination of the pope. They planned and organized it. The order to shoot the pope was given by the secretary of the Vatican, Cardinal Casaroli," said the Turkish terrorist.

In a statement shortly after trying to kill the pope, Agca said he acted alone. This newest statement is one of several contradictory statements he has made since 1983, when he was pardoned by John Paul II when he visited him in prison.

more at link...

Godfather III is the Hollywood version about how they killed Pope John Paul I.
Obviously they'll kill John Paul II or anyone else who goes sideways. Even a foiled attempt is enough to scare most people back into the fold.


barack obama senate house race

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