Thursday, June 30, 2011

News is a subset of the conversation

Here’s a tale that reveals how journalists tend to think of their role in the conversation that makes up news and society.
I think the conversation is happening all around us, with or without the journalists. I teach now that it’s the role of the journalist to add value to that conversation: verification, debunking, facts, [...]


nancy pelosi barack obama senate

Glenn Beck and George Washington Cartoons

Glenn Beck says that George Washington has “almost been a cartoon to me until the last two years.” Really wish he was playing this on the final episode:


glenn beck rush limbaugh nancy pelosi

Paranoid Glenn Beck Cries About How Mean New Yorkers Are To Him And His Family!

Hey, it's his last day for his TV show so lets all say bye, bye Beck!
Old Lonesome Rhodes hits the bricks!

By Susie Madrak

We already know that Glenn Beck sees the world through his own peculiar filter, but this one really takes the cake. Notice the trembling lip, the catch in his voice. He's so into his vision of himself as the Second Coming. Poor Glenn Beck, the man who's targeted so many liberals that they got death threats and lost their jobs... It wouldn't even occur to him to have an "aha!" moment:

Today on his radio show, Glenn Beck tearfully recounted an incident from Bryant Park last night when he and his wife and daughter turned up to see a showing of the Hitchcock classic The 39 Steps. Apparently some fellow picnickers began harassing the Becks, even at one point "accidentally" kicking a glass of wine onto his wife's back. It sounded genuinely unpleasant and a little scary, though the famously paranoid Beck played up the dramatics in his retelling. "I swear to you I think, if I had suggested, and I almost did, 'Wow, does anybody have a rope? Because there's [a] tree here. You could just lynch me.' And I think there would have been a couple in the crowd that would have," he said. He called Gawker, which ran some user-submitted photos of the Becks, "especially horrible." "They have done everything they can to stalk me and my family," he said. "They’ve put my family in jeopardy in their own home."

Then, for almost ten minutes, Beck went on an extended rant against New Yorkers and the type of twentysomethings that harassed him. "These people were some of the most hateful people I had ever seen," he said. "I was told a lot last night about how New York hates people like me."

"I really feel sorry for you," he continued. "Here you are, 25 years old, and you are so lost and so arrogant and so convinced that you are absolutely 100 percent right. And you are helping craft a system that is fueled by hate. You're being used, and you don't even know it. You're building a system fueled by the very things you say you hate: special interests, the rich, the powerful, global corporations — that’s who's pulling your string."

So that tearful part where he's so worried about leaving his family to the mercy of the horrible crowd? He forgot to mention the bodyguards. Here's a different version from someone who was sitting behind him:

Just a quick FYI -saw your article on Mr. Beck and his numerous FALSE claims about the way that he was treated at Bryant Park last night. Myself and several of my friends were seated immediately behind Mr. Beck & co (have pictures) and I can tell you that while the crowd was certainly not *thrilled* that he had shown up, his family was left completely alone, and for the most part he was too. Conversely, it was his security detail (two body guards) that seemed to be unnecessarily prickly with the crowd, scolding myself and my friends for acrobatics and other harmless activities taking place well before the movie started, and contributing to a considerably less relaxed atmosphere than is typically experienced during BPMN (I've been going for about six years now).

It was my friend that spilled the glass of wine on Tanya -and I can assure you that it was a complete accident. A happy one, to be sure, but nonetheless a complete and utter accident. As soon as the wine spilled (and I question how Tanya became soaked from a half glass of wine) apologies were made and my friends pretty much scrambled to give Tanya & co napkins -no doubt aware that it would look terrible and that their actions could be perceived as purposeful. No words were exchanged after that, as I think that it became pretty clear to Beck & co that my friends and I were doing everything in our capacity to help clean the "mess".

For the rest of the story and a rather long video go to the link:


rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

The president?s evasion tactics on the debt and deficit

Take away excuses and all that's left are results.


senate house race debt commision

American Exceptionalism Is Why We Win, They Lose

I believe that due to American Exceptionalism, the United States is on the verge of another dramatic period of economic growth. Our nation is far from perfect; but we learn from our mistakes, change dramatically, and move on. After three years of failed socialist efforts by governments around the world to deficit spend [...]


glenn beck rush limbaugh nancy pelosi

Union Geniuses: Use Beleaguered Pension Funds to Finance Real Estate Rehab!

For the last several months, pension managers, school districts and public officials have been howling about the alarming state of employee pension funds.� They tell us pension systems are dangerously underfunded and taxpayers are on the hook for potentially billions of dollars to make them whole.
U.S. Sen. Bob Casey was even floating a bill that [...]


barack obama senate house race

Howard Dean Loves McKinsey?s ?Employer Will Drop Coverage? Study

Via Julian Pecquet at The Hill, Howard Dean spoke out in favor of moving away from employer-sponsored coverage during a debate with Karl Rove and others today: “The biggest thing we can do for small businesses is get them out of the healthcare business,” Dean said. “If this bill does that, and all these small [...]


rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

FL Gov. Rick Scott attends secret Koch brothers meeting in Colorado

by Dara Kam | June 28th, 2011
Florida Gov. Rick Scott attended a secret, invitation-only meeting outside Vail, Colo., hosted by conservative billionaire GOP donors David and Charles Koch, the governor’s staff confirmed today.

The meeting wasn’t on Scott’s official schedule and his spokesman Lane Wright initially refused to confirm or deny whether the first-term governor would make an appearance, saying he would not “speculate as to what he has done, or will do on his personal time.”

But, after The St. Petersburg Times reported Tuesday Scott did attend the meeting, Wright confirmed that the governor was there but would not say whether Scott was in Colorado on Sunday or Monday.

“I told anybody who asked me,” Scott, in Washington, D.C., told the Times, without revealing too much about what took place.

“It was very interesting,” he told the Times. “They wanted to know basically… what am I doing in Florida.”

Scott, the self-proclaimed “jobs governor,” joined at least three other conservative Republican heads-of-state at the semi-annual meeting.

Govs. John Kasich of Ohio and Bob McDonnell of Virginia all dropped into the conference, entitled “Understanding and Addressing Threats to American Enterprise and Prosperity.” And Scott’s competitor-in-chief, Texas Gov. Rick Perry, addressed the group on Sunday, the first of the four-day meeting that wraps up Wednesday.

“The purpose of this conference is to develop support for the kind of free-market policies and initiatives that can get our country back on the path to economic prosperity and sustained job creation,” a spokeswoman for Koch Industries told The Denver Post last week.

Kansas-based Koch Industries, the second largest privately owned company in the United States, earned $100 billion in revenues in 2009, is controlled by Charles and David Koch, political activists who have donated more than $100 million to conservative GOP causes over the past three decades, according to a New Yorker profile. The pair have recently donated to tea party groups and organizations opposed to President Obama.

Florida Democratic Party spokesman Eric Jotkoff blasted Scott for secretly leaving the state during a state of emergency he declared because of wildfires.

“For Rick Scott to secretly leave the state during a state of emergency is completely irresponsible and shows why he continues to be the least popular governor in America,” Jotkoff said.

"Awww Man... Not my Home Town!!!"


media matter glenn beck rush limbaugh

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Dare to DREAM: Dick Durbin Says Maybe Someday an Illegal Alien Will Be Elected President

**Written by Doug Powers When Illinois Senator Dick Durbin looks at a crowd of Tea Partying American citizens, he sees extremists and a bunch of fringe wackos who don’t speak for America. When he looks at a roomful of illegal aliens he sees the future of America, and maybe even the next US president: ( [...]


rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

Noted Psychiatrist Says Bill Maher Hates Women and Has No Regard for Life

As NewsBusters previously reported, Bill Maher last Friday disgracefully attacked Bristol Palin saying, "The s--t doesn't fall far from the bat."

On Wednesday's "Fox & Friends," noted psychiatrist Keith Ablow analyzed the behavior of HBO's "Real Time" host concluding that the comedian has a deep-seated hatred of women and absolutely no regard for life (video follows with transcript and commentary):

BRIAN KILMEADE, HOST: TV host and comedian Bill Maher on the attack once again. This time attacking Sarah Palin’s daughter Bristol on the release of her new book.


BILL MAHER: Bristol claims that the night she lost her virginity, she had accidentally gotten drunk on wine coolers that she didn't know contained alcohol and then -- and then blacked out and didn't remember a thing. Oh, the Palins. I'll tell you the s--t doesn't fall far from the bat. Bristol, just admit it, you were horny, and while we're at it, stop claiming that you were on birth control pills that didn't work when you got pregnant. Here's a tip, hon - they're not birth control pills if they're shaped like Fred Flintstone.


KILMEADE: All right. Are these attacks called for? What would prompt him to speak that way about a young woman and not about other people? Let’s ask Dr. Keith Ablow, a psychiatrist and Fox News contributor joining us right now from Boston with his reaction. You heard what you could that we couldn't -- that we didn't have to bleep out. What's your take? Just a comedian going off trying to get laughs?

DOCTOR KEITH ABLOW: No. Look, this guy needs his head examined so it's good that you called me in. Bottom line is here's a guy you have to understand, her book’s called “Not Afraid of Life.” Here's a guy who never saw a life that he didn't question. For euthanasia. For the death penalty. For abortion. This is somebody who is not affiliated with life at all. No children. So you have to look at him and say you know what? Why is he so hostile toward women? He has a deep-seated, it seems, hatred to some extent, of women. Frequents the Playboy mansion. All the girls that he dates, the women he dates, they have to be supermodels. And the bottom line is you really got to wonder is he projecting on to her?

KILMEADE: I mean, but the thing that gets me is not so much the attack, it's the hatred that's behind it. I mean, it almost bleeds out of his eyes and ears.

ABLOW: Absolutely.

KILMEADE: And that's what I'm getting. Also, you factor in his movie, the documentary “Religulous” where he's anti-religion as well.

ABLOW: Anti-religion. Don't forget, he said that suicide bombers at 9/11 were more heroic than American servicemen. This is someone very closely affiliated with not loving the birth, not having regard for life and therefore, I would say, having it in for women. He says elsewhere in the tape that basically the way that people are born is that babies drop out of them. He's very much divorced from the beauty of the birth experience. He doesn't say, “Bristol, admit it, you had feelings for this young man.” No, you were horny. See, he wants to think women are sluts. That's his view of the world. Interestingly, his mother who happened to have been Jewish, denied her religion until his teen years. So you wonder what kind of ascendance was in operation in that family. Was the male so far above the female that he's internalized this?

KILMEADE: Right, and what does it say about society that this guy is still on the air and gets paid a ton of money to act like this?

ABLOW: Has it in for women, doesn't like the notion of birth, embraces death, likes suicide bombers. Very simple.

KILMEADE: All right. And doctor, we should charge him for this, because you just gave him a quick diagnosis. Now it's up to him to get treatment.

ABLOW: I sent a bill because this could have taken six months.

KILMEADE: Making a lot of money because HBO is a pay service. Dr, Keith, thanks so much for joining us from Boston. See you soon.

ABLOW: Thanks.

This certainly explains the constant attacks on former Alaska governor Sarah Palin and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota).

Yet, the bigger picture is indeed what it says about our society that he has a nationally televised program on a premium cable network that people have to pay for.

Heaven help us.



debt commision media matter glenn beck

GOP Pushes Balanced Budget Amendment

While President Obama was accusing them of wanting to raid scholarship accounts for needy children in order to incinerate the money in the engine of some rich guy’s private jet (or something), Senate Republicans launched an effort to pass a balanced-budget amendment to the Constitution, urging congress to impose on itself the same budgetary rules by which 49 out of 50 (all but Vermont) states must abide.

All 47 GOP senators have signed on to legislation co-sponsored by Sens. Orrin Hatch (R., Utah) and Mike Lee (R., Utah) that would amend the Constitution to require a balanced budget and limit federal spending to 18 percent of GDP. At a press conference outside the Senate chamber Tuesday, a pack of Republicans stressed the need for Congress to “finally learn to live within its means,” and urged their Democratic colleagues to join them in support.

“To truly fix the spending problem in Washington, we have to fundamentally change the rules that govern Congress,” Lee said. “If we want to eliminate deficits, reduce the national debt, get control of spending, preserve our constitutional priorities, and save our economy, it starts with the balanced budget amendment. It is the only solution that guarantees future reforms will be enforced.”

“A balance budget amendment is simply the best was to cut out the smoke and mirrors when it comes to the federal budget process,” said Sen. John Cornyn (R., Texas), warning that at its current borrowing rate the United States risks becoming subject to the “tender mercies” of our major creditors like China.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R., Va.) announced last week that the House would take up a balanced budget amendment in late July. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) said he expected action in the Senate shortly thereafter.

In order to successfully amend the Constitution, the bill would need to pass both chambers with a two-thirds majority and be subsequently ratified with the support of at least 38 states. Polls suggest a significant majority of Americans support such an amendment.

Meanwhile, Democrats made sure to remind all who cared to listen that Pres. Bill Clinton was the last president to preside over a balanced budget (they failed to mention who was in charge of Congress then). Sen. Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) argued that because the House Republican budget doesn’t reach balance until about 2030, the GOP lacks the credibility to propose a balanced-budget amendment. “Practice what you preach,” he growled to reporters, adding: “There are all kinds of balanced budget amendments, the [one] they are introducing gives a real break to very wealthy people. It would be much harder to get them to chip in their fair share.”

Indeed, from a Democratic perspective, an amendment that makes it more difficult for Congress to raise taxes would be a real tragedy. But either way, according to Schumer, Democrats aren’t “preaching” fiscal responsibility, so there’s no need for them to act responsibly (e.g., they’ve now gone 791 days without passing any budget, much less a balanced one).


house race debt commision media matter

News is a subset of the conversation

Here’s a tale that reveals how journalists tend to think of their role in the conversation that makes up news and society.
I think the conversation is happening all around us, with or without the journalists. I teach now that it’s the role of the journalist to add value to that conversation: verification, debunking, facts, [...]


rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

The Great Separation

A few weeks ago I was sitting around in a park with some college buddies, and one us asked the rest of us how many friends we had from a different generation. There was silence. So, how many acquaintances? Did we even, excepting our bosses and professors, speak to people one generation older, face-to-face, in a typical day? Did we speak to anybody two generations older at all? More silence.

I thought it was very sad, so I wrote an essay about it for the magazine, now online here. Here are two excerpts:

As Americans…began to move westward, we conceived of property less as a family trust to be preserved for our children because it was imbued with the spirits of our grandparents (as it was traditionally conceived — even in Christendom, which always preserved some element of ancestor worship), and more as a commodity to be taken, possessed, alienated, and leveraged for personal uses. In ancient Rome, a family was more possessed by its home than vice versa. In modern America, individuals own houses temporarily, their eyes fixed not on the intrinsic value of the land or the spiritual continuity it could provide, but on constantly fluctuating real-estate values and interests rates as they relate to a financial portfolio. The hearth around which three generations of one family could gather is now archaic….

Alienation from the elderly makes us ahistorical, senseless of what has gone into making our lives possible; it blocks the transmission of tradition; it creates a provincial chauvinism by letting each generation go unconfronted by the standards of the past, making all self-certain of their own, chronologically local mores; we lose humility, a sense of our human weakness and the impermanence of our bodies, when we are exclusively with the physically fit, the healthy, the attractive, the upwardly mobile, and never the declining; and most important is nothing extrinsic, but that we are missing out on other persons who deserve our love and friendship and knowledge, especially in the time when retirement and death of peers make one most vulnerable to loneliness.

I take a stab at a few other explanations for generational segregation, too — particularly cultural changes in the Sixties. And I take on Facebook (if that’s your thing), which is sort of faux-cosmopolitan, in that it makes our circle of acquaintances horizontally broader, but vertically more narrow — it incorporates people of all nationalities and all tongues but who are fundamentally of like mind into friend groups. The same thing is true of our hyper-mobile society in general, although in a less aggravated form. It all reminds me of C.S. Lewis’s The Great Divorce, in which the denizens of hell have a perfect autonomy that leads to perfect self-enclosure.

I encourage you to read the whole thing here, precisely because it’s a bad piece, in need of serious work — quite sketchy and incomplete. Several commenters have already pointed out flaws in it. But a lack of articulable solutions to the problem stems in part from the fact that people don’t seem to be discussing it. We ought to start the conversation.

P.S.: A few readers have written in lightly chastising me for generalizing about twenty-somethings. Though I aspire to become a curmudgeonly old man railing against kids these days, I should admit that I am, for now, 22. So, though there are exceptions to all trends, my general observations of youth culture should not be attributed to lack of experience or prejudice. 


media matter glenn beck rush limbaugh

Morning Briefing for June 29, 2011

RedState Morning Briefing

For June 29, 2011

Go to to get
the Morning Briefing every morning at no charge.


1. If At First You Don?t Succeed

First off this morning, I hope you will call Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) today at (202) 224-5323 and tell him thank you for standing up to both Democrats and Republicans yesterday in a valiant attempt to force transparency on debt talks.

Johnson declared his intend to grind the Senate to a halt by ceasing to give his consent to further Senate business by unanimous consent. The Democrats and a few Republicans ganged up on him, which can bruise the ego of a freshman Senator.

Senator, I know you are reading. Don?t stop now. Be bold and do more of this. The rest of you should call and give him some encouragement on this.

Second, I know many conservative congressmen are reading this Morning Briefing. I want to address them directly. You should stop dragging your feet hoping to get the votes for the Lee-Cornyn-Hatch Balanced Budget Amendment or the Walsh version in the House.

You aren?t going to get the votes. You just aren?t. Go on and have the vote. You are going to lose. But then do something for me, will you?

Make it clear that until you do get the votes necessary for passage you will obstruct and block an increase in the debt ceiling.

I know I am asking you to do something unusual in Washington. Typically, in Washington, you get your vote, you lose, and you move on. But Washington politics as usual is what got us into this mess.

So hold the freaking line. Hold the debt ceiling hostage. If the Democrats want the debt ceiling raised, they need to send Lee-Cornyn-Hatch out to the states for ratification. They can fight to stop it there. But do this for me ? draw a line in the sand.

You force a vote and then another vote and then another vote until you get the two-thirds needed in both houses and don?t you dare give up fighting against the debt ceiling increase until you get that two-thirds vote. The rules in this fight must be different. You must keep blocking until they give you what you want.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

2. The Immigration Policy of Absurdistan: Legal is Illegal; Illegal is Legal

Imagine for a moment that a pack of strangers ? ranging from hooligans to plain homeless ? illegally entered your home and started raiding the pantry, stealing your possessions, stuffing up the toilets, and sleeping on your bed. When you call the police to come down and remove them, you are told they cannot assist you because they lack the power to profile the unwanted guests from other members of the household. As desperation sets in, you join with your neighbors to chase them out. Much to your chagrin, lawyers for the intruders impel the courts to issue a ?cease and desist order,? obstructing efforts to deny the intruders anything, including the twinkies in the pantry. Moreover, teams of advocates for these brazen burglars begin to record the contact information of those locals who desire to stop the illegal entries.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

3. Because They Won?t Attack Hillary Clinton, They Attack Josh Trevino

The left is in a tizzy because some ?well meaning? people are on a flotilla to Gaza and Josh Trevino dares to say what so many of the rest of us are thinking ? if Israel takes out the flotilla in self defense, so be it.

Frankly, from my vantage point, I can?t see any other rational position ? particularly for those who support Israel, particularly for conservatives.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

4. On Immorality

The Democrats, in particular Joe Biden and Barack Obama, are out to make the moral case for tax increases. They claim the Republican position is immoral.

This is what happens when we debase morality in our American political culture.

For perspective, when Barack Obama was a state senator in Illinois, he was the only state senator to speak in opposition to the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. He stood up and made the case that if an infant is born alive in the process of an abortion, the doctor who botched the abortion should be able to finish off the kid, even though the child had exited the womb alive.

That, my friends, that is immoral.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

5. The Cost of Bailouts: Cronyism

One of the reasons that I was against the bailouts, both bank and auto, was the effect I feared it would have on the way business is conducted. It?s easy to point to a TARP loan being repaid (with interest) and declare victory for bailouts. But to do so assumes that all consequences of government intervention in private enterprise have been realized.

One of the main concerns from opponents of the bailouts was cronyism. And cronyism is rearing it?s ugly head these days.

Case in point, Dan Akerson of General Motors.

Please click here for the rest of the post.


rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

Wisconsin Collective Bargaining Changes Published

Will Be In Effect Wednesday, June 29th
On Tuesday, June 28, 2011, the Wisconsin Secretary of State?s office published Act 10, the law that included provisions to limit public sector unions? ability to collectively bargain. The office says the law will be in effect starting Wednesday.

There weren?t any cameras or fanfare when Secretary Doug La Follette [...]


barack obama senate house race

?Does the Constitution Still Matter?? ? a Follow-Up

**Written by Doug Powers A few days ago I wrote about Time magazine editor Richard Stengel’s cover piece entitled ?One Document, Under Seige? in which Stengel seemed to reluctantly conclude that the Constitution does matter, just not as much as we think it does (though it always matters when Time needs to hide behind it). [...]


glenn beck rush limbaugh nancy pelosi

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pledge Fatigue, My Butt

Republican leaders on Capitol Hill are pushing out stories, encouraging various media outlets to write about “pledge fatigue.”

This is in response to the Cut, Cap, Balance Pledge being pushed hard by conservative groups.

One reporter called me for comment and said several senior Republican offices on Capitol Hill had pointed to my recent posts on the pledge as evidence of fatigue.

Boy were they badly mistaken and, more so, allow us to confirm it is Republican leadership offices pushing the fatigue story for their own gain at the nation’s expense.

What I said was that I am tired of pledges that have no teeth. Conservatives in Washington often do pledges to avoid doing the hard work of beating liberal Republicans.

The real problem Republican Leaders have is that they just got burned with flaking out on their own pledge. They promised $100 billion in cuts, folded like a cheap suit under the slightest pressure, and now, instead of growing a spine and keeping their promises, have just decided to stop making any promises. This is the Mitch McConnell strategy: never announce what you are for, so no matter what you get you call it a victory.

Conservatives need to take note of this and up the ante dramatically.I think the Cut, Cap, Balance Pledge is great and strong, but I want conservatives who support it to pledge additionally to beat the hell out of any Republican who does not cut, cap, and balance before raising the debt ceiling.

Sadly, the Republican leaders are being helped by groups like Tea Party Patriots who are opposed to absolutely any increase in the debt ceiling ? a position I love, but know will never happen. In fact, it is the knowledge that the debt ceiling will be increased that led to the Cut, Cap, Balance Pledge ? force real and sizable cuts, cap spending, and pass a Balanced Budget Amendment before raising the debt ceiling.

With a handful of groups saying they hate the pledge because it allows an eventual debt ceiling increase and Republican leaders saying there is “pledge fatigue”, conservatives seem to be in a tough bind.

But when you break it down, you see that the “never raise the debt ceiling” folks are well meaning, but fighting against a tide that will overcome them. The real issue here are the leadership folks trying to undermine this pledge.


Because it boxes in their negotiating room. Ultimately, in Washington, leaders cut deals that more often than not sell out the American people. Republican Leaders are ready to sell out their base.

By putting teeth into the Cut, Cap, Balance Pledge and having conservatives in Congress hold the freaking line, it will be much more difficult and painful for the GOP to fold.

As a result, GOP leaders must get it out there that there is pledge fatigue. Otherwise, they would have to be honest and admit they are just scared of conservatives right now.

Likewise, conservatives need to pay attention to and capitalize on this fear. Now is the time for conservatives to up the ante and pledge scorched earth on Republicans who raise the debt ceiling without first cutting spending significantly, imposing enforceable caps on spending, and passing the Lee-Cornyn-Hatch Balanced Budget Amendment a/k/a the Walsh BBA for you House guys.


glenn beck rush limbaugh nancy pelosi

Can Bachmann win?

Why history may not be the best indicator.


senate house race debt commision

I was wrong

I just want to get this on the record and off my (fully clothed) chest: I was wrong about Anthony Weiner.
I’d said nothing about the whole hoo-ha because I didn’t think it was worth the attention. Then I got a call from Howard Kurtz’ Reliable Sources to come on last Sunday and talk about [...]


media matter glenn beck rush limbaugh

In a dog?s net

Cool ideas tucked into part one of this CBC Ideas series about how (we think) dogs think: Dogs, they say, think in maps informed with their smell. They sniff and resniff a location to find out what has been there and they sniff the air to tell the future: to discover what will be here [...]


debt commision media matter glenn beck

New Jersey Lawmakers Ask Feds To Stop Chris Christie?s Medicaid Cuts

The New Jersey Senate Budget Committee has approved a resolution urging the federal government to reject Gov. Chris Christie’s (R) request to cut $300 million from the state’s Medicaid program.


media matter glenn beck rush limbaugh

Countdown with Keith Olbermann 6 - Dan Savage on Gay Marriage

Countdown with Keith Olbermann 6 - Dan Savage on Gay Marriage


senate house race debt commision

Hard economic lessons for news

I’m working on a talk that I hope will become the canonical link to my essential message about the business rules and realities of news. I continue to be astonished at the economic naivet� I hear in discussions of the business of news. (Look at this comment thread and and this one.) Here is my [...]


house race debt commision media matter

Obama?s Sinking Economic Ship

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On today’s edition of Coffee and Markets, Brad Jackson and Ben Domenech are joined by Francis Cianfrocca to discuss the Congressional Budget Office’s scathing report on the debt, Ben Bernanke and Timothy Geithner’s call for higher business taxes.

We’re brought to you as always by BigGovernment and Stephen Clouse and Associates. If you’d like to email us, you can do so at coffee[at] We hope you enjoy the show.

Related Links:

CBO: Time to wake up!
The scariest U.S. budget chart out there
CBO head: Government policies, debt may be slowing growth
Geithner: Taxes on ?Small Business? Must Rise So Government Doesn?t ?Shrink?

Follow Brad on Twitter
Follow Ben on Twitter
Follow Francis on Twitter


glenn beck rush limbaugh nancy pelosi

Monday, June 27, 2011

Exploiting Charlie

When I arrived in Detroit to intern at the Free Press many years ago, I saw a local character dressed in a bright yellow rain slicker, no matter the weather, theatrically directing traffic in front of the Cadillac hotel. He was there every day. My troop of interns suggested to our editors that he’d be [...]


media matter glenn beck rush limbaugh

Empire State Havoc

I have long opposed the redefinition and nullification of marriage, the central building block for society. Indeed, as a U.S. senator I co-sponsored the Defense of Marriage Act and the Federal Marriage Amendment. As a citizen, I actively campaigned against the judges in Iowa who ordered gay marriage there.  I also was one of the first to step out and encourage the leadership of the House of Representatives to defend the Defense of Marriage Act in court when the president refused to do so. Unlike others in this race, I believe it is the role of the president to weigh in when states try to redefine the meaning of marriage. Marriage is defined in the federal law as a legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife; any state that redefines marriage is wreaking havoc not only with the definitions of the federal law and the majority of states, but, even more importantly, with the single most important and time-tested institution of every successful society.


rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

The Tea-Party's New Tee Vee Show. Unbelievable!

You've got to be kidding me, the Tea Party has their own TV show!

Seeking to enter popular culture through the story of "a sturdy lot of men and women who dreamed of a city built on a hill," the Tea Party has debuted its own series of dramas on colonial history, American exceptionalism, God's mysterious ways and our time-honored right to bear muskets. The makers of Courage, New Hampshire: The Travail of Sarah Pine say they seek to mix the narrative tension of The Sopranos with the redemptive exceptionalism of Frank Capra - with alot of tri-corner hats, really bad wigs and lines like "he not having the fear of God before his eyes but being moved and seduced by the instigation of the devil in his own wicked heart" thrown in. The Crucible, it's not. Probably just as well.

Not only have they made a mockery of the Tea Party in our history, but now this?


glenn beck rush limbaugh nancy pelosi

Sluggish Economy Stubbornly Resists Lack of Effort to Stimulate It

So apparently, while sitting on record amounts of cash, industry is willing to invest in technology but not people.


house race

Dirty Spending Secrets

How bad is Washington spending? Well, there is a new website that’s up called Dirty Spending Secrets with a Q&A format to uncover some of Washington’s dirtiest spending secrets.

Several friends of mine have emailed it to me. It’s actually pretty easy to figure out, but also horribly shocking ? in the Q&A multiple choice, just go for the worst answer and you’ll probably be right.

With the debt ceiling vote coming up, it’s just another reminder of how unserious Washington is when it comes to spending.


barack obama senate house race

Does the New York Times Know Our Politicians Speak Gibberish about Deficits?

For reasons known only to its publishers, the New York Times has chosen to assign reporters and editors to the budget/deficit negotiations who seem oblivious that the politicians they routinely quote are speaking gibberish, without any effort by the Times to explain it's gibberish.


barack obama senate house race

How to not prosecute Bill Richardson

Laughing at the superior intellect


barack obama senate house race

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Does the New York Times Know Our Politicians Speak Gibberish about Deficits?

For reasons known only to its publishers, the New York Times has chosen to assign reporters and editors to the budget/deficit negotiations who seem oblivious that the politicians they routinely quote are speaking gibberish, without any effort by the Times to explain it's gibberish.


nancy pelosi barack obama senate

Santorum: ?There?s no such thing as global warming?

In an interview with Glenn Beck, Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum claimed global warming is a hoax. Beck grinned as Santorum called for a "drill everywhere" policy and claimed that there is "no such thing as global warming"

Earlier this month, Santorum told the other enforcer of conservative thought, Rush Limbaugh, that global warming is "junk science."


media matter glenn beck rush limbaugh

Looking for that e-G8 post?

Sorry for the broken link. Post moved here.


rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

Rep. Mike Kelly of Pennsylvania: In Defense of the Ryan Budget

More of this please. �Consider this an open thread.

Make sure to let Rep. Kelly know that his efforts are appreciated.


rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

The Cut, Cap, and Balance Strategy

To win this fight, Republicans and conservatives must be willing to operate in ways Washington isn’t suppose to operate.

There is a lot of handwringing out there about how to actually implement the Cut, Cap, and Balance Pledge.

First, let me say that you should take the pledge and every Republican in Washington should sign on to the pledge.

Second, the strategy is very, very simple. Refuse to vote to raise the debt ceiling until we have cut, capped, and balanced.

Yes, I know to people in Washington this sounds willfully naive. In Washington, things are done through a series of compromises. In Washington, people give and take and get things done.

But if we believe the rhetoric that we are in a terrible crisis, then the best option should be to do nothing ? either extract major cuts, cap spending, and get a balanced budget amendment, or do not raise the debt ceiling.

The conservative strategy should be clear on this ? hold the freaking line.

Do not negotiate, do not compromise. The Democrats want a “clean” vote. They can’t get it. The Democrats want the debt ceiling raised. Well, that vote comes with a price. That price is cut, cap, and balance.

Conservatives must hold the line on this. And if their Republican colleagues waver, conservative organizations must be willing to wage a scorched earth fight against them to keep them from breaking the line.

Otherwise, the debt ceiling will be raised and nothing else will change. That, ultimately, is how Washington works. To win this fight, Republicans and conservatives must be willing to operate in ways Washington isn’t suppose to operate. In fact, they need to operate just like the Democrats did to force through Obamacare.

At least on the debt ceiling fight the public is with the GOP.


rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

Herman Cain Wants To Improve Regulation By Turning Regulatory Authority Over To The Regulated

I always think of my friend Will Wilkinson as a bloodless technocrat’s bloodless technocrat, but he lives in Iowa so he’s trying his hand at campaign reporting and he turns out to be damn good at it, combining excellent prose with what I would say is a case study in the idea that perhaps more [...]


senate house race debt commision

Saturday, June 25, 2011

City of Boca Raton Charges Tea Party $6,000 for Police & Barricades But Gets Free Pass


nancy pelosi barack obama senate

Lulzsec and Anonymous Declare Open War Against All Governments and Fat Cats

Lulzsec and Anonymous have just declared full open war against all governments, banks and big corporations in the world. They are calling all hackers in the world to unite. Their objective is to fully expose all corruption and dark secrets:

the rest is link below:


debt commision media matter glenn beck

Hard economic lessons for news

I’m working on a talk that I hope will become the canonical link to my essential message about the business rules and realities of news. I continue to be astonished at the economic naivet� I hear in discussions of the business of news. (Look at this comment thread and and this one.) Here is my [...]


senate house race debt commision

Peter Falk ("Columbo", "The Princess Bride") Has Died

ABC Breaking News...

Peter Falk of 'Columbo,' 'The Princess Bride' has died at his home in Beverly Hills. He was 83


senate house race debt commision

Late Night: Obama Administration Pledges Millions More for Drug War in Latin America

While the over trillion dollars the United States has already spent on our four decade long war on drugs has totally failed to achieve anything, I'm sure throwing another $40 million of good money after bad will be the tipping point that wins the war.


house race debt commision media matter

Study: Lower Taxes Do Not Boost State Economies

A new study by researchers at the Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development at Penn State shows that “lower taxes are statistically insignificant in explaining state economic performance, and that targeted tax incentives and financial assistance — as currently practiced — are more likely to harm growth and income inequality.” “Although our results are primarily [...]


barack obama senate house race Why I Was Arrested Yesterday at a D.C. Taxi Commission Meeting

Here’s Producer Jim Epstein’s account of what happened:
On June 22, 2011, I attended a meeting of the D.C. Taxi Commission for a story I’m currently working on about a proposed medallion system in the district.
About 30 minutes into the meeting, I witnessed journalist Pete Tucker snap a still photo of the [...]


debt commision media matter glenn beck

Open thread: New York senate to legalize gay marriage tonight? Update: The 32nd vote? Update: Bill passes, 33-29



media matter glenn beck rush limbaugh

Friday, June 24, 2011

A Hippocratic oath for the internet

First, do no harm.
That is the message I would like to bring to the e-G8 summit on the internet gathered by French President Nicolas Sarkozy this week in Paris.
I am apprehensive about a meeting of government and industry that begins with the presumption that they wield authority over the internet, the people’s internet. [...]


nancy pelosi barack obama senate

Obama Raises $2.4 Million from Wall Street in One Evening

I've heard people openly wondering why the President hasn't cracked down on the financial sector. They're historically unpopular! The economy cannot recover without a crackdown! The people would love him for it!

I can give you 2.4 million reasons why Obama wouldn't.


rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

Dolan Goes All In: Top Six ?Reasons? For Opposing Same-Sex Marriage

New York Archbishop Timothy Dolan has relentlessly pushed back against marriage equality with a plethora of offensive, distorted statements against the LGBT community. As the Senate nears a vote on the matter, Dolan pulls out all his favorite talking points for an interview with the National Catholic Register: 1. MARRIAGE EQUALITY IS NOT ABOUT GAY [...]


media matter glenn beck rush limbaugh

Singer Prince: Islamic Women Enjoy Wearing Burqas

He may have a lot of talent as a musician but when it comes to radical Islam, Prince isn't particularly original in politically correct Hollywood. In an interview with a British newspaper, he said that women living in countries where they are forced to wear the body-covering burqa garment enjoy doing so.

"It's fun being in Islamic countries, to know there's only one religion. There's order. You wear a burqa. There's no choice. People are happy with that," he told the Guardian.

When asked what he would say to women who don't enjoy wearing the extremely hot women's garment, Prince replied that "There are people who are unhappy with everything. There's a dark side to everything."

Prince, whose full name is Prince Rogers Nelson, also has some pretty odd views about faith in general:

Prince embraced religion in 2001, when he became a Jehovah's Witness. "I was anti-authoritarian but at the same time I was a loving tyrant," he told the Guardian. "You can't be both. I had to learn what authority was. That's what the Bible teaches. The Bible is a study guide for social interaction.

"If I go to a place where I don't feel stressed and there's no car alarms and airplanes overhead, then you understand what noise pollution is. Noise is a society that has no God, that has no glue. We can't do what we want to do all the time. If you don't have boundaries, what then?"

Isn't that nice. He's a loving tyrant.

Full story


nancy pelosi barack obama senate