Saturday, April 30, 2011

Time to End Fed?s Dual Mandate of Destruction

Recent economic reports of Obamanomics have shown dismal GDP growth, rising jobless claims, an anemic dollar, and soaring inflation; all indications of stagflation.� There are two components to stagflation; high unemployment and high inflation.� The unemployment, along with the weak economic growth, is due in large part to Obama’s Keynesian fiscal policy of overtaxing, overspending, over-subsidizing, and over-regulating.� While the profligate spending and corporate welfare are also responsible in part for inflation and the devaluation of the dollar, the major culprit is Obama’s Keynesian monetary policy of near-zero interest rates and printing money (QE I and II).

Both reckless spheres of Keynesian economics are supported by corporate cronies on Wall Street who benefit from true “handouts to the rich” to the determent of the rest of us through price-hiking market distortions.� Unfortunately, there is no single silver bullet to ending the cumbersome socialist fiscal policy (although, a spending amendment would go a long way).� The pernicious monetary policy, however, can be eliminated through one act of Congress; ending the Federal Reserve’s mandate to control the economy (H.R. 245-Mike Pence).

In 1977, Congress vested the Federal Reserve with a dual mandate of stimulating the economy and job growth in addition to keeping a stable currency.� This has allowed the Fed to become a fourth branch of government by initiating its own stimulus policies of printing money.� These stimulus policies exacerbate the fiscal stimuli of the other branches of government by devaluing the remaining dollars that we own (non-borrowed money).

Hence, as much as Obama’s trillions in stimulus and bailouts have bankrupted the country, Ben Bernanke’s $600 billion monetary stimulus has attenuated the value of our remaining savings and spiked the cost of vital commodities across the world.� Additionally, their rash intervention in the credit market was one of the big culprits of the housing crisis.� Thus, while the Fed seeks to achieve a dual mandate of low unemployment and low inflation, they are ultimately inimical to both goals.� It’s time for House leadership to bring Mike Pence’s H.R. 245 to a floor vote and end the Fed’s overreach into our economy.

The same Wall Street Democrat corporate cronies who work tirelessly on behalf of bailouts and fiscal stimulus have also promoted and benefited from monetary stimulus.� This is our opportunity to stand with the majority of the country who are harmed by stagflation and stick a fork in big government and big Wall Street.

It’s also time for presidential candidates to get serious about this issue and articulate to the average voter how the deleterious policies of the Fed are a direct result of anti-free market intervention.� Sarah Palin has hit this early and often; others must follow suit.� Democrats have long planned to counter the populist outrage against big government with righteous indignation against the unpopular Wall Street power players.� The candidate who exposes the truth about Democrat corporate cronyism and explains its relation to the high cost of living, will be the next president.

Earlier this week, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke asserted that low GDP growth and inflation will be “transitory.”� Republicans must show him that the only thing transitory in this era of perennial stagflation is his ability to destroy our economy.


senate house race debt commision

Years of Deceit: United States Openly Admits Bin Laden Long Dead

Bin laden never mentioned in McChrystal report or Obama speech
“Hunt for bin laden” a national shame

Conservative commentator, former Marine Colonel Bob Pappas has been saying for years that bin Laden died at Tora Bora and that Senator Kerry’s claim that bin Laden escaped with Bush help was a lie. Now we know that Pappas was correct. The embarrassment of having Secretary of State Clinton talk about bin Laden in Pakistan was horrific. He has been dead since December 13, 2001 and now, finally, everyone, Obama, McChrystal, Cheney, everyone who isn’t nuts is finally saying what they have known for years.

However, since we lost a couple of hundred of our top special operations forces hunting for bin Laden after we knew he was dead, is someone going to answer for this with some jail time? Since we spent 200 million dollars on “special ops” looking for someone we knew was dead, who is going to jail for that? Since Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney continually talked about a man they knew was dead, now known to be for reasons of POLITICAL nature, who is going to jail for that? Why were tapes brought out, now known to be forged, as legitimate intelligence to sway the disputed 2004 election in the US? This is a criminal act if there ever was one.

(more at link)


debt commision media matter glenn beck

Experts: Stop insulting pets by calling them pets

Don't mess with Fido


senate house race debt commision

VIDEO: Zombies Protest Rep. Dan Webster?s Vote To Kill Medicare, Say ?Don?t Make Us Work Till We Die?


house race debt commision media matter

Trump Falls to Fourth Place in New Poll

Mitt Romney leads among Republican voters right now, with support for him at 19 percent, according to a new Fox News poll. Trailing Romney are Mike Huckabee (17 percent), Sarah Palin (9 percent), Donald Trump (8 percent), and Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul (both at 7 percent). All the other possible candidates are polling below 5 percent.


rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

Finally: Catholic Church suspends rogue Chicago Rev. Michael Pfleger

News out of the Windy City tonight: Chicago’s Cardinal Francis George has at long last suspended prog nutball Rev. Michael Pfleger. Pardon my language, but it’s about damned time. The Chicago Tribune reports: “Citing what he called threats from the Rev. Michael Pfleger to leave the church, Cardinal Francis George has removed the outspoken priest [...]


debt commision media matter glenn beck

Mubarak?s fortune equals?

A compilation of tweets giving perspective to the Guardian’s report that Mubarak’s fortune could add up to $70 billion:


debt commision media matter glenn beck

McConnell Should Appoint DeMint to Finance Committee

Last week, Nevada Senator John Ensign resigned his seat, creating a vacancy on several Senate committees.� While Congressman Dean Heller will fill Ensign’s Senate seat, a member with more seniority will be appointed to his coveted slot on the Senate Finance Committee.� The Finance Committee is considered a prized “Super-A committee” due to the extent and relevance of its jurisdiction, which includes trade, taxes, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.� Unlike its House counterpart, the Senate Finance Committee also encompasses the jurisdiction of the House Ways and Means Committee.� This panel is clearly the most important Senate committee in the realm of domestic policy.� Who better to sit on that committee than Jim DeMint?

Senator DeMint has been implored to run for all sorts of leadership roles, ranging from President to Senate Leader, but has firmly declined.� Fortunately, this is a position that he is openly embracing.� A DeMint spokesman told Roll Call that he is throwing his hat into the ring for the seat on the Finance Committee:

“Senator DeMint is very interested in serving on the Finance Committee and has requested it every time since he was elected,” said his spokesman, Wesley Denton. “This is where entitlement reform will be written to balance the budget, it’s where Obamacare will be repealed, and it’s where our tax laws will be reformed to ensure that America remains the best place in the world to do business. … He understands the seat will be filled by the Republican Leader and Senator DeMint will respect his decision.”

DeMint has attempted to obtain a seat on the committee in the past, only to be passed over for those with more seniority.� Now, DeMint is the one with the seniority.� The other announced candidate for the position is Nebraska Senator Mike Johanns, a more junior member.� In addition, Mike Johanns has not been at the forefront of the battle for liberty and constitutional government in the same way as DeMint.� Just last year, Johanns voted for�START and the FDA food takeover, while opposing efforts to reign in the Federal Reserve, Freddie and Fannie, and the Justice Department’s lawsuit against Arizona.

McConnell has already denied DeMint a seat on the Finance Committee due to a lack of seniority in 2008.� Now is the time for McConnell to show that he is consistent and serious about cutting spending by appointing Jim DeMint to the Senate Finance Committee.� Surely, seniority applies to conservatives too, doesn’t it?

Please call Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and request that he put Senator DeMint on the Finance Committee.� (202) 224-2541


nancy pelosi barack obama senate

Friday, April 29, 2011

Rosario Dawson Hits GOP Plan, Says ?Immigrants Pay More Taxes Than Exxon!?


house race debt commision media matter

Natural Gas

The always worth reading Alex Tabarrok posted this interesting chart over at Marginal Revolution.

He writes:

The graph is from Peter Tertzakian who notes:

“To put this in perspective, 1,000 Tcf of natural gas contains the equivalent energy to 166 billion barrels of oil — a staggering amount considering that the discovery of 10 billion barrels of conventional oil these days is a rare occurrence, worthy of many headlines. . . .”

Estimates of recoverable shale gas have doubled in just the past year and shale gas is only part of the supply with the total being 2,552 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) of potential natural gas resources in the U.S. alone. Per unit of electricity, burning natural gas results in significantly fewer carbon dioxide emissions than coal. It is possible, however, that fracking may leak more methane to the atmosphere so the net climate benefit is unclear, at least given current methods of development.

By the way, one of Alex’s commenters explains the difference between “proven” and “technically recoverable.”

Proven means it’s reasonably certain that it is both feasible and economic to recover it given current technology and economic conditions. In other words, at current natural gas prices, it would be worth the cost to recover it.

Technically recoverable means that it’s possible to recover it with existing technology, but without considering costs. In other words, natural gas prices would have to rise or unit costs would have to fall before technically recoverable reserves become “proven.” (Note: This has the practical implication that those supplies by themselves can’t be used to push down natural gas prices.)

I am agnostic (and ignorant) about most energy issues, but from what I have read, sources of energy like nuclear, wind, and solar only flourish in countries where governments intervene on their behalf.

Here is my question: Is natural gas a source of energy that can take off and survive without gigantic government subsidies?



glenn beck rush limbaugh nancy pelosi

Paul Ryan ?Debates? President Obama on Medicare During Town Hall Meetings

At issue, how to bring the federal budget into balance, reform Medicare and still provide a medical safety net to America’s seniors. Hovering over the topic: the 2012 election.
Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan and President Barack Obama obviously have dramatically opposing views on budgetary matters.
Ryan explains his plan at a town hall meeting this week, and [...]


senate house race debt commision

Support for the disconnected of Egypt

Governments are the single point of failure for the internet and thus for the public’s tool of empowerment. We are seeing that in Egypt today as the government ordered telcos to shut down the internet as a whole in the country. We have seen that in the past when Libya shut down .ly domains it [...]


barack obama senate house race

Embedded with an elite anti-drug task force

Adam Yamaguchi dives into California mountains with an elite group looking to track down marijuana growers.


glenn beck rush limbaugh nancy pelosi

Is love in the air for Doug and Dayna?


debt commision media matter glenn beck

GOP frontrunner: Krauthammer?s a ?sad fool?

It's on.


house race debt commision media matter

Friday Free-for-All: Surrender Edition

Today, in 1916, Irish Nationalists surrendered to British forces, ending the Easter Rebellion. Also today, American media surrendered to British forces and will devote hours of coverage to some probably nice but unextraordinary twenty-somethings.


barack obama senate house race

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Public Parts: atomize & reform

I’ve been rewriting the introduction to Public Parts — both because it needs it and because of events in Egypt and elsewhere. This segment, from the end of the introduction, is related to the post below. I thought I’d share it with you as it adds some more thinking on the same topics:
* * *
Technology [...]


senate house race debt commision

MA Republicans Not So Wild About Romneycare Either

State of rejection


glenn beck rush limbaugh nancy pelosi

Hard economic lessons for news

I’m working on a talk that I hope will become the canonical link to my essential message about the business rules and realities of news. I continue to be astonished at the economic naivet� I hear in discussions of the business of news. (Look at this comment thread and and this one.) Here is my [...]


rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

Allen West To Town Hall: ?If You Support Medicare?You Can Kiss The United States Of America Goodbye?

As Republicans across the country face a backlash from voters in their home in their districts for supporting the Medicare-ending GOP budget, Florida Rep. Allen West (R) has attempted to squash protesters and avoid tough questions at his town halls. In Ft. Lauderdale Tuesday, West only answered pre-screened questions that were read aloud by a [...]


rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

Obama Set for Two Terms, Says?



glenn beck rush limbaugh nancy pelosi

Documentary exposes scientists under attack by biotech companies for exposing truth about GMOs


"According to the scientists interviewed, roughly 95 percent of the published research involving GMOs has been conducted and paid for by the biotechnology industry. This means that only five percent of the available research on the subject has been conducted by independent research firms that are much more likely to have an honest, unbiased approach."

Continued at the link


nancy pelosi barack obama senate

Re: A Royal Snub

Nancy, FWIW, the snub that has drawn the most attention (Fergie needed no explanation) is that of Messrs. Blair and Brown. Officially the reason for this is that John Major (invited) and Lady Thatcher (invited) are Knights of the Garter (it’s a British thing…) while the Frankenstein and  monster of  the UK’s economic destruction are not. As regular readers around here may suspect, I’m not the biggest fan of Blair and Brown, but I do think this move is a mistake.
Writing in the Daily Mail, Stephen Glover agrees:

I am sure [Blair & Brown] and their respective wives feel hurt at their exclusion — and probably aghast to see Sally Bercow, the self-promoting wife of Speaker Bercow, and a woman who has never done anything memorable for her country, sailing into the Abbey in their place. But although one cannot fail to sympathise with them as private individuals, that is not my main point. What has been done to them is much more than a personal slight. They were our elected representatives who led one of our two great political parties and filled the most important elected office in the land. The Queen has been so adept at remaining impartial above the political fray that it is difficult to believe she vetoed the invitation of these two former leaders out of spite, dislike or political prejudice. Maybe there is some personal animus we don’t know about. But I very much hope it is some idiotic servant who is to blame. But whatever the explanation, this is a decision that will damage the monarchy more than the feelings of Mr Blair and Mr Brown. Once the Crown appears to be taking — and that is the impression, if not the intention — our delicate constitutional arrangements are imperilled. 

As to what that “personal animus” might be, the Daily Telegraph’s Damian Thompson joins in the fun with some speculation:

There is, however, a perfectly neat and plausible explanation, and it’s this. Prince William cannot stand Tony Blair, whom he blames for making political capital out of the death of his mother – “the People’s Princess”, as Blair’s spin doctors dubbed her within hours of her death. The Prince has a long memory and a capacity for cold fury. We catch a glimpse of it in the section of Blair’s memoirs relating to the week after Diana’s death: “I had also spoken to William who was not only still grieving but angry. He knew, rationally, why the week between Diana’s death and the funeral had to be as it had been. But he felt acutely the conflict between public position and private emotion.”

That anger is likely to have reawakened by Blair’s decision to record such a private conversation in the book. It is not hard to imagine William saying “I’m not having that man at my wedding” – and getting his way: after all, in nearly 60 years, only one of the Queen’s prime ministers has twisted her arm to persuade her to do something that went against her instincts, and that was Tony Blair virtually demanding that she broadcast to the nation after the death of William’s mother. And can anyone doubt that the Royal family dislikes blabbermouth Cherie more than any other prime ministerial spouse?

My guess is that the Blairs were never on the wedding list, and that this also explains the absence of the Browns. Inviting Brown but not Blair would have brought the feud into the open: the Palace could not even have trotted out its implausible Knights of the Garter story. If I’m right, then one can’t help feeling a bit sorry for Gordon and Sarah, who are being punished for the crimes of their predecessors. But perhaps they saw it coming: one doesn’t have to spend long in royal company to know that forgiveness doesn’t come easily to the Windsors.

The Queen has been around so long (and, given the qualities of her eldest son, may she outdo the longevity of her mother) that she inhabits a peculiar, permanent, and generally appreciated, place in Britain’s subconscious. The rest of her family are, however, more akin to the cast of a long-running soap opera, sometimes in favor, sometimes not, and as this latest controversy reminds us, they never fail to deliver something to talk about.

Well, it beats Jersey Shore


debt commision media matter glenn beck

Is Chris Matthews Writing Headlines at Politico These Days?

**Written by Doug Powers From Politico by way of Weasel Zippers: In addition to 420 seconds in heaven, well-behaved reporters will even get their very own autographed halo to take home. It’s like the Burger King kids crown except covered in Hope & Change instead of fry grease and ketchup (**Disclaimer: Heaven & halo offer [...]


debt commision media matter glenn beck

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

State Police Search Mobile Phones During Traffic Stops

Complete extraction of existing, hidden, and deleted data, including call history, text messages, contacts, images, and allows visualization of existing and deleted locations on Google Earth. Location information from GPS devices and image geotags can be mapped on Google Maps...


media matter glenn beck rush limbaugh

Milbank: Obama just too smart to be a popular leader, or something

You simple-minded peasants don't deserve him.


rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

Video: Allen West townhall on GOP budget turns rowdy

"You're not going to intimidate me."


senate house race debt commision

Let?s Harness American Energy To Lower Gas Prices And Create Jobs

Like many Ohioans, I experienced sticker shock today when I filled up at our neighborhood gas station outside Cincinnati. Regular unleaded was $3.79 a gallon. � Some Ohioans are already seeing gas prices over four dollars per gallon, and higher prices may be on the horizon. �This makes it more expensive to commute, drive to the store or take a vacation.

Because oil fuels every major sector of our economy, rising gas prices have a less visible, but no less costly, impact on all of us. �According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, 94 percent of all consumer goods and 68 percent of all farm goods are transported over America?s roads.� As the cost of shipping and producing goods increases, we will find ourselves paying more for everything from groceries to electronics.

Oil prices are on the rise for a host of reasons.� As the global economy slowly recovers, demand for oil is rising to meet new manufacturing and other needs. The laws of supply and demand kick in. �Unrest in the Middle East and North Africa, including oil-rich Libya, has also injected uncertainty into the energy markets, which results in price hikes.� Some experts also suggest that the oil market is factoring in expected inflation due to global deficit spending, especially the record federal government debt in the United States.

Still others point to the actions of speculators and their illegal actions driving up the cost of oil.� The Obama Administration recently announced the formation of a new task force to look at fraud and manipulation within oil and energy markets. Any price fixing or other illegal activity should be prosecuted. But I don’t think we need a task force to tell us what we need to do as a country to respond to yet another spike in oil prices: we need to move aggressively to get away from our dependence on foreign oil and this must include using more of our own resources.

For decades, Washington, D.C. has been unwilling to tap the energy resources in our own backyard.� This policy simply makes no sense in the world?s largest oil-consuming nation. �The United States today consumes about 22 percent of the world?s oil supply ? much of it from countries hostile to American interests and ideals.� Last year alone, we spent $337 billion on oil imports, more than half of what we spent on our nation?s defense, and we have not been self-sufficient in energy production since 1970.

There is a better way to power America?s economic future.� What we need are common-sense solutions to strengthen U.S. energy production.� That begins with harnessing the potential of our own natural resources in an environmentally responsible way.� As an immediate bridge, we should increase access for oil exploration and production in energy-rich areas of the country like the Outer Continental Shelf, and in parts of Alaska.� This will create jobs, drive investment, and immediately reduce our dangerous dependence on foreign oil.

We must also look to alternatives to oil, recognizing that true innovation will come from private-sector entrepreneurs, engineers, and scientists ? not from the Washington bureaucracy. �That?s why it is critical to eliminate unnecessary rules and regulations that slow the development of cleaner, more affordable energy.� Less red tape will free businesses to grow, innovate, and create new jobs.

The good news is that Ohio is poised help lead America?s energy future.

Ohio has a long history of producing its own energy sources, with an oil, gas, and coal business that pre-dates the Civil War.� Today, Ohio is preparing for a natural gas ?shale revolution? ? a new means of tapping energy-rich underground rock formations.� Considering the potential of the Marcellus and Utica Shale Formations, we have the possibility of creating good Ohio jobs while providing Ohioans with access to large quantities of cleaner-burning natural gas that can be used today for buses, taxis and other fleets and could be used for cars in the future. Where natural gas is used for transportation fuel today, the average cost per gallon is less than $2.00.

These new breakthroughs in Ohio energy production can build on the longstanding strength of our Ohio coal industry.� Coal is a proven�source of relatively inexpensive energy that supports thousands of jobs across Ohio. Clean coal technology continues to develop, and, with the help of research being done at Ohio’s Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, coal-to-liquid could become another affordable domestic alternative to oil.

Ohio also continues to be a leading producer of bio-fuels. �We currently have five operating plants, producing 424 million gallons of ethanol annually and contributing hundreds of jobs and millions of dollars of economic activity to Ohio?s rural economy.� Research and new cellulosic ethanol technologies are making home-grown Ohio bio-fuels more cost-effective and should be encouraged through further research and investments.� Ohio is also a leader on fuel cell research and other clean technologies to power the cars of the future.

As these examples show, America has the know-how and the natural abundance to move toward a future of energy independence.� But we must make the right choices today.� It is time to unleash the ingenuity of our workforce and the potential of our energy resources to power the American economy and create new jobs ? with Ohio leading the way.


nancy pelosi barack obama senate

Morning Briefing for April 26, 2011

RedState Morning Briefing

For April 26, 2011

Go to to get
the Morning Briefing every morning at no charge.


1. King & Spalding Decides That Marriage And Democracy Are Indefensible, But Terrorists and Murderers Are Fine

Who deserves legal representation - the American people, or their sworn enemies? To the Atlanta, Georgia law firm of King & Spalding, the answer most emphatically is only the latter.

That is the message sent by that firm as we get news that the head of King & Spalding?s appellate practice group, former Solicitor General Paul Clement, has resigned from the firm after King & Spalding backed out of Clement?s representation of the United States House of Representatives in defending the constitutionality of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA).

Please click here for the rest of the post.

2. Leading From Behind

Many of us have been struggling to make sense of Barack Obama?s erratic foreign policy. He says he doesn?t want to fight ?dumb wars? and then goes and acts stupid in Libya. He constantly seems to be working to undermine the United States? role in the world and bows to every foreign crowned head except Queen Elizabeth II, who he gives an iPod. He returns the Churchill bust. He bends over backwards to kiss up to Hu Jintao.

It makes you wonder.

Well, wonder no long. Over at the New Yorker, Ryan Lizza sums up the erratic foreign policy of Barack Obama and it is worse that you or either imagined.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

3. EPA Ruling Kills Shell?s Plans to Drill Offshore Alaska

A ruling by the Environmental Appeals Board of the EPA has scuttled Shell Oil Company?s plan to drill its initial exploratory test in Alaska?s Chukchi Sea. This is at least the second time drilling has been deferred or delayed due to environmental concerns. But this time, the reason proffered by EPA seems to be ?Because we can.?

Please click here for the rest of the post.

4. Union Leaders Teach Labor Studies Courses on Communism, Violence, Industrial Sabotage & Frying Cats

The University of Missouri has an expansive $1.9 billion enterprise with an operating budget of $500 million which, according to its website, 37% comes through state appropriations. While the University?s Institute of Labor Studies may only be a small fraction of its budget, one must wonder why tax dollars are being used to fund a program that espouses Communism, teaches tactics in industrial sabotage (including stalking CEOs, using members to insinuate sabotage, as well as the killing of cats), and convincing union members that their ?group goals? are more important than their individual goals.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

5. Haley Barbour Not Running For President in 2012

If there is one thing we should have learned from the 2008 primary and general elections, to say nothing of 1996, it?s that being a good presidential candidate on paper is useless; you have to want it - want it badly enough to hire a serious staff, badly enough to trim a few positions and hard edges to fit the various demands of the primary and general electorates, badly enough to endure the most exhaustive efforts to tear apart your entire life for public entertainment, badly enough to spend endless weary hours fundraising and stumping in Iowa and New Hampshire and enduring crummy bus rides with grumpy reporters and town halls with cranks and half-wits and left-wing troublemakers. Your family needs to want it too - a man whose wife doesn?t want him to be president will not become president. It?s a big, life-consuming commitment, and you don?t do it halfway.

Please click here for the rest of the post.

6. The Media Skirts Past Sarah Palin?s Uterus and Truthers in Search of Birthers

There is no need to write ten thousand words to highlight what is perhaps the very best example these days of profound liberal bias in the media.

Andrew Sullivan is now working for the Daily Beast and Newsweek after spending a great deal of time at the Atlantic. No one in the media cares to note that Andrew Sullivan is obsessed with Sarah Palin?s uterus and whether Trig Palin once resided there. His obsession amounts to Tourettes on a keyboard coupled with some form of mental illness.

But the media embraces Andrew Sullivan. Harvard Magazine just named him the world?s best blogger. Wonkette, the site that used to be slightly funny, followed up on Andrew Sullivan?s obsession last week and suggested that Trig Palin is actually the incestuous love child of Todd Palin and his daughter. They also howled with laughter about his Downs Syndrome.

The media yawned.

In 2006, Scripps Howard found that more than half of all Democrats believe George W. Bush was complicit in the September 11th attacks.

The media yawned.

But by God, you suggest Barack Obama might have a problem with his birth certificate and maybe was not born in the United States, and you are liable to have a television news crew on your lawn with a TV shrink explaining how you are nuts and cannot be taken seriously in American society.

Please click here for the rest of the post.


rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

Obama administration attempting to force out CEO over marketing violations

Still totally unrealistic.


debt commision media matter glenn beck

Conflict at Fox over Birtherism

Glenn Beck comments on the new passport form, which may go into effect for people who don't have birth certificates: "Why don't you just put nipple clamps on Americans over this?" Actually, the proposed "biographical form" is intended for those people who are unable to provide the usual proof of citizenship required for a US passport - namely, a birth certificate, consular report of birth abroad or naturalization certificate.


media matter glenn beck rush limbaugh

We Don?t Need No (Public) Education: Sheldon Richman on the Separation of School and State

Who likes the sound of a school bell? Sheldon Richman certainly doesn’t.
“Schools, by their structure, are preparing kids for some sort of authoritarian lifestyle,” he says.
Richman is critical of the school choice movement, saying that even in charter schools, money is still being provided by the state.
He edits The Freeman and, publications from the [...]


senate house race debt commision

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Video: Allen West townhall on GOP budget turns rowdy

"You're not going to intimidate me."


rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

Why I'm Watching the Royal Wedding

I’m a 40-year-old mom, a self-identified feminist since age six, a strong woman I’m told, married for nearly 15 years to the same man. A practical dresser and a low-maintenance type, I like to think. Also a fan of the democratic process. Not into kings and queens, and I can’t stand all that Pepto-Bismol-pink princess stuff marketed to girls (fortunately my daughter, now eight, never showed any interest in that stuff either).

Yet here I sit, planning to wake my daughter up very early this Friday morning to watch the Royal Wedding. Months ago I planned a menu of scones (homemade or store-bought depends on my level of motivation Thursday night), clotted cream (Whole Foods is apparently the source), jam, and tea. How my daughter will perform in school that day given a 4 a.m. wake-up call, or what time I’ll even get her to school, is an open question for now.

Why am I doing this?

Because when I was growing up, my beloved grandmother’s coffee table and the chest at the end of a bed in the upstairs guest room were always covered with glossy women’s magazines: McCall’s, Ladies Home Journal, Good Housekeeping. In my formative years their covers were often graced with the face of Princess Diana, sometimes with her gorgeous boys. My grandmother Mary Lois is no longer living, but one of those little boys is now getting married. Watching his Westminster Abbey celebration will somehow connect me to her.

But that’s not all.

I’m also doing this because I want my daughter to have some images of weddings in her head: big, bold, beautiful, over the top, stuck in your memory forever, a cultural-marker-for-the-entire-English-speaking-world type wedding. Not because I want her to have precisely that kind of wedding someday (no Bridezillas allowed here), but because as I approached marriage, I had no template in my head for what kind of wedding — or marriage — I wanted to have. I hear so often of women who planned their weddings even as girls. It never occurred to me to do that. No one ever talked to me about my future wedding or marriage or husband, about what I should look for or think about or avoid. I never once thought about my wedding day until I was old enough to consider marrying someone. Even then I was blank on how the whole event came together, or even the fact that a number of things need to be done, in a certain order, to make a wedding happen. When my husband and I got engaged, he ended up taking the lead on planning our fairly small wedding because most of it was a mystery to me.

My daughter is a bold, lively girl. Physically strong and strong-willed, long brown hair she’s only now deigning to brush, a fan of stretchy clothes she can move around in, far fonder of stuffed and real animals than dolls, a natural leader in a pack of kids. I love all that. But I also know that someday she’ll desire to bond with another. I want to get started talking, now, about how that might look. What makes for a good husband? Why is a wedding joyful? What does marriage look like, and what is it for? In the wee hours of a rainy spring morning, over scones and tea, the global spectacle of a royal wedding seems like a wonderful opportunity to converse lightly about these matters at once weighty, life-altering, and life-affirming.

— Elizabeth Marquardt is author of Between Two Worlds: The Inner Lives of Children of Divorce, editor of, and vice president for family studies and director of the Center for Marriage and Families at the Institute for American Values.


barack obama senate house race

The privacy industry: Scare and sell

At two privacy conferences?one in New York, the other right now in Victoria, B.C.?I’ve watched the growth of privacy’s regulatory/industrial complex and seen its strategy in action: scare, then sell.
Yesterday, before I spoke at the Reboot conference, the privacy commissioner for the province, Elizabeth Denham, got up to demonize the social net and its [...]


media matter glenn beck rush limbaugh

Are Republicans winning the deficit debate?

Even on budget "plans" in USA Today/Gallup poll.


debt commision media matter glenn beck

Is Chris Matthews Writing Headlines at Politico These Days?

**Written by Doug Powers From Politico by way of Weasel Zippers: In addition to 420 seconds in heaven, well-behaved reporters will even get their very own autographed halo to take home. It’s like the Burger King kids crown except covered in Hope & Change instead of fry grease and ketchup (**Disclaimer: Heaven & halo offer [...]


senate house race debt commision

Cartoon of the Day

Click here to view the cartoon of the day.


glenn beck rush limbaugh nancy pelosi

More on DOMA's Defensibility

With apologies for the self-reference, those who are interested can find a briefing paper on the claim that the federal Defense of Marriage Act is indefensible at the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy website. Examining precedent from various courts, it demonstrates that the weight of authority is strongly in favor of the argument that DOMA is constitutional and that there is no reason to believe that strong arguments can’t be made in its defense.


house race

Monday, April 25, 2011

Did Kloppenburg Violate The Wisconsin Judicial Code of Conduct?

JoAnne Kloppenburg?s allegation that Justice David Prosser met with Governor Scott Walker after the Supreme Court race ? a contention that Prosser and Walker adamantly�deny ? may violate the Wisconsin Judicial Code of Conduct.

Kloppenburg made the�allegation during her press conference to announce her intention for a state-wide recount, but she provided no evidence to back [...]


barack obama senate house race

The Tea Party Propaganda Factory You Probably Don't Know About

The documentary production company Citizens United has dedicated itself to furthering the interests of the far right and the super-rich.


rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

The disruptors arrive at Davos

Last year at Davos, I said I was among the disrupted when I preferred to be among the disruptors.
The disruptor arrived last night. Daniel Domscheit-Berg, former spokesman for Wikileaks and founder of the competitive OpenLeaks, came to a dinner about transparency at which I was a panelist, alongside the Guardian’s Timothy Garton-Ash, Human Rights [...]


senate house race debt commision

Video: Who gets the blame for high gas prices?

Heck yeah, let's talk about subsidies ....


media matter glenn beck rush limbaugh

Late, Late Night FDL: Sex Kills

Joni Mitchell - Sex Kills


rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

Polar Explorer Who Worked With Pawlenty ?Baffled? By His ?Reckless? Flip-Flop On Climate Threat


glenn beck rush limbaugh nancy pelosi

He is risen!

Blessed Easter to our readers.


house race debt commision media matter

Happy Easter

Hi folks, Happy Easter! It has been a pretty frustrating week on a lot of the fronts we follow here. But that was the week that was, now it is Easter Sunday and it is time to relax, eat and have some fun, whether it is a religious holiday for you or just a good chance to chill.


rush limbaugh nancy pelosi barack obama

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Wall Street Front Group Loading Up Conservative Activists With Soft Ball Questions For GOP Town Halls


nancy pelosi barack obama senate

A catfish bridge to nowhere

Fishing expedition.


barack obama senate house race

SEIU Plans Nationwide, Madison-Style, Class Warfare Protest Movement

After some quiet time following last year’s departure of union bosses Andy Stern and Anna Burger, it appears the purple behemoth known as Service Employees International Union, has been quietly plotting its own Egyptian-style revolution.�Given the ever-shrinking private-sector union membership ranks, as well as the realization that its political influence has shrunk as well, the SEIU’s plan is apparently to engage in a class-warfare based campaign.

According to a Politico piece, SEIU’s plan (called “Fight for a Fair Economy”) and will reach outside the union movement in order to ?mobilizing underpaid, underemployed and unemployed workers? and ?channeling anger about jobs into action for positive change.?

SEIU President Mary Kay Henry acknowledged in an interview that the new strategy, which would include aggressive outreach to non-union members, is ?a risk.?

?We felt like we were called in this moment to roll the dice and to think about how to use our members resources for the greatest hope for changing members lives,? she said. ?I hope what people will see is more of what we all witnessed in Madison. … more people in the streets making demands about what kind of America we want to see.?


The plan does not revolve as centrally around the 2012 elections as the SEIU?s political program did in 2008, when it was the largest outside supporter of candidate Obama. It does, however, aim to organize public campaigns for economic issues around ?national flash points? including this August?s recess, corporate shareholder meetings next spring, and the debates and conventions next year. Henry was elected last year with a promise to reorient the union, and some Democratic officials worry the change will mean a less intense focus on their party?s needs.

It appears to be an expansion of the plans announced earlier this year when the Wall Street Journal noted the SEIU’s campaign to target specific cities.

The campaign?called Fight for a Fair Economy?will focus on mobilizing mostly low-wage minority workers in 10 to 15 cities, including Cleveland, Milwaukee, Miami and Detroit, according to the memo reviewed by The Wall Street Journal. The SEIU wants the effort to peak in the summer of 2012, with events at primaries, town-hall meetings and other campaign venues, according to the memo.

SEIU spokeswoman Inga Skippings declined to confirm that the memo reflected the final plans of the union, which has two million members, and said its strategy continues to evolve.

The cities designated for the campaign have high concentrations of SEIU members and are in states where governors have proposed cutting benefits to public-sector workers amid worries over pension costs and broader budget woes. In some of the targeted states, lawmakers are considering “right to work” legislation that would eliminate laws making union membership mandatory whenever a union is formed at an employer.


The board member predicted the effort would cost “tens of millions” of dollars; the SEIU spent more than $70 million on the 2008 elections.

Other than an attempt at countering the Tea Party protests that emerged in 2009, it appears the SEIU’s plan won’t be anything more than a loud, obnoxious waste of its members’ dues. Then again, what’s new?


?I bring reason to your ears, and, in language as plain as ABC, hold up truth to your eyes.? Thomas Paine, December 23, 1776


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Syria firing on funerals/protests.

The line between the two can get blurry in the Middle East, but it’s being reported that the Assad regime have escalating what has been a steadily-deteriorating situations in Syria.� The death toll from yesterday is… well, Syria is keeping foreign reporters out, which makes getting an accurate count correct; but what is getting out is consistent with the Syrians using lethal means to enforce a crackdown.

Meanwhile, we’re issuing stern statements.� One half of Hot Air - reasonably enough - asks what else the Obama administration could be doing right now; the other half of Hot Air - also reasonably enough - comments that one thing that we could be doing would be to at least suggest that the Assad regime should relinquish power.� I mean, when a dictator’s firing on his own people already, just how much more upset and repressive is he likely to get if the USA formally calls for his ouster?

To finish up: aside from the running sore that is the Ahmadinejad regime in Iran, watching Middle Eastern dictatorships daring to openly shoot on protesters and demonstrators is something that we haven’t seen for a while.� In fact, for most of the decade we hadn’t heard a peep out of some of these regimes; it was almost as if they were scared of something…

Oh.� Right.� They were scared of something.


I don’t think that they’re scared anymore.

Moe Lane (crosspost)


house race debt commision media matter

Clinton and the freedom to connect

In her second major speech on internet freedom, I’m delighted that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stood for the freedom to connect and recognizes the internet as a public space (as I will argue it is in Public Parts). The right to connect is first on my list of principles for our net society. I’m [...]


media matter glenn beck rush limbaugh

California politicians visit California jobs ? in Texas

The giant sucking sound.


house race debt commision media matter

Good Friday

From my syndicated column this week

On Good Friday, the culmination of the season that began with us going among coworkers and fellow commuters with those outward symbols of our sins — ashes on our foreheads — Christians reflect on our ignorance, on our bad witness, on our fallenness. And take comfort in the mercy of a God who knows us too well to condemn us because of our mistakes, as long as we are contrite, as long as we keep getting up to walk with Him — and helping one another do the same.

From the late Fr. Richard John Neuhaus’s Death on a Friday Afternoon: Meditations on the Last Words of Jesus Christ today:

We…know how the story turns out, yet we neither rush to Easter nor, when we come to Easter, do we put Good Friday behind us as though it were a nightmare past. The risen Christ, and indeed Christ returning in glory to judge the living and the dead, is always the crucified Christ who bears the scars. It is finished but it is not over. The reality of salvation is definitively settled, but history continues to be cruciform, a way of the cross for pilgrims headed home. Salvation is “now” and “not yet”; it is a matter of certitude and a matter of seeing in a mirror dimly; it is a present possession and a hope to be worked out with fear and trembling.

An old NR piece on the Shroud of Turin.

A Q&A on the last words of Christ.

Elsewhere: On searching and finding

And be sure to read Rich on Of Gods and Men!

Have a blessed day. 


house race debt commision media matter

Cable companies: Add Al Jazeera English *now*

What the Gulf War was to CNN, the people’s revolutions of the Middle East are to Al Jazeera English. But in the U.S., in a sad vestige of the era of Freedom Fries, hardly anyone can watch the channel on cable TV.
Cable companies: Add Al Jazeera English NOW!
It is downright un-American to still refuse [...]


glenn beck rush limbaugh nancy pelosi

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Clinton and the freedom to connect

In her second major speech on internet freedom, I’m delighted that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stood for the freedom to connect and recognizes the internet as a public space (as I will argue it is in Public Parts). The right to connect is first on my list of principles for our net society. I’m [...]


nancy pelosi barack obama senate

Happy 420! SJC limits response by police to marijuana Declares odor not evidence of crime; decision dismays chiefs, prosecutors

The state’s highest court, overturning precedent and denying police a crime-fighting tool, ruled yesterday that the odor of marijuana smoke is not enough for officers to order a person out of a parked car, now that possession of less than an ounce of marijuana is no longer a crime in Massachusetts. “Without at least some other additional fact to bolster a reasonable suspicion of actual criminal activity, the odor of burnt marijuana alone cannot reasonably provide suspicion of criminal activity to justify an exit order,’’ the court ruled in a 5-to-1 decision written by Chief Justice Roderick Ireland. The justices ruled that voters, in passing the 2008 ballot question, intended that possessing an ounce or less of marijuana “should not be considered a serious infraction worthy of criminal sanction.’’“Ferreting out decriminalized conduct with the same fervor associated with the pursuit of serious criminal conduct is neither desired by the public, nor in accord with the plain language of the statute,’’ Roderick wrote. wrote. Yesterday’s ruling dismayed police and prosecutors


nancy pelosi barack obama senate

Estranged husband violently beats wife in judge's chambers

lantation, Florida (CNN) -- Being attacked in the courthouse was the last thing Catherine Scott-Gonzalez expected when she showed up for the final hearing in her divorce case.
"I just can't believe that it happened -- there are just no words for it," Scott-Gonzalez said Tuesday, as she continued to recover from a broken nose and a fractured jaw after being beaten by her estranged husband in a judge's chambers.
"The incident was disturbing and shocking," Broward County Circuit Court Judge Ronald Rothschild recalled Tuesday, adding, "In addition to the violence, the fact is that it happened in a court proceeding."
The proceeding that took place Friday in Judge Rothschild's chambers was the last hearing in the divorce of Scott-Gonzalez and her husband of about five years, Paul Gonzalez.
Thirty-five minutes into the hearing, when the issue of child support was brought up Gonzalez -- acting as his own attorney -- decided to leave the room, according to Michael Dunleavy, the attorney for Scott-Gonzalez. The couple, both former Marines, are the parents of two young children.
"He goes, 'I'm not going to pay child support,' and Judge Rothschild says, 'You know all parents have to pay child support, we all have to support our children,' and he (Gonzalez) stalked out of the room," said Dunleavy.
"He went calmly," remembered Judge Rothschild, "not happily, but calmly walked out of chambers, took one step out of the door, then in a blink of an eye -- I mean literally one step -- he came back in."
Upon returning, Gonzalez suddenly started punching his estranged wife, according to those in the chambers.
"It was from behind, I was blindsided, I was knocked out after the first punch," said Scott-Gonzalez.
A bailiff was not in the room at the time. The judge said if he had had any indication that Gonzalez was violent, he would have had security in his chambers. Scott-Gonzalez said in the past, she had twice sought restraining orders against her estranged husband but both attempts had been denied.
"I was very afraid of him but I did think that I was going to be safe," said Scott-Gonzalez, "As soon as you walk into the courthouse you have to go through a metal detector. There are Broward (County) sheriff's officers all over the place."
Both Scott-Gonzalez and Judge Rothschild said Dunleavy became the hero.
"My lawyer was sitting right next to me, which thank God he was, because he literally saved my life," said Scott-Gonzalez.
Dunleavy said he just reacted by restraining Gonzalez. when he saw his client being hit repeatedly.
Dunleavy said the judge hit a panic button and several deputies converged on the room, subduing and arresting Gonzalez.
Gonzalez has been charged with a felony battery resulting in great bodily harm, and resisting arrest. He is currently being held in a Broward County jail on $1 million bond and could not be reached Tuesday.
That is a bond high enough for Scott-Gonzalez to feel safe, for now.
"For him to have done that in front of who he did it in front of, who's to say when he gets out he's not going to come after me?" worries Scott-Gonzalez. She wants other men or women to know if they are afraid of their spouse even in a court setting that they should ask the judge for additional security.
"I thought you go there to get everything taken care of. Why would they (court officials) choose a place that wouldn't be safe? I thought it was safe," said Scott-Gonzalez.
"The only response I can give her is I go into that courtroom anticipating that I am going to be equally as safe," said Judge Rothschild, adding, "Violence is not OK any where but it is certainly not OK in the court of law in the United States of America."


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